Not So Random Question of the Month

We haven't had a random question of the month for December yet, I thought somebody would post one by now.  I, personally, hadn't been able to think of one in the small amount of time I've been online.  However, it was easy to think up this not so random, not so original question:

What is one of your favorite Christmas memories?


Anonymous said...

so many-- polar bear swimming, 2-liter Mark. Ali double fister-- Ooogly Peeples--- Burros Con Churos-- chasing down the fire truck---losing at risk-- bluffing at poker--- shooting my eye out with a B B Gun-- helping Clarence get his wings

mark said...

The one's where I was little seem to have all meshed into one, I can't distinguish year to year anymore. But I remember Christmas caroling in Woodville and then going over to Grandma's house for real chocolate and bunuelos. I also remember going up to Dunsmuir and having a white Christmas at my Grandma Vivian's house.
Paxton's first Christmas was very cool for me as well. It was possibly the last time I'll be able to get a picture of him with Santa.

The Nate said...

I agree with mark memories of christmas and christmas vacation all fade into one big memory of everything we would do. Favorite christmas memories would have to include just walking around woodville with the smiths and my brothers in the cold and sometimes fog on our way to the sams or to grandmas after playing basketball at the church then just hanging out at grandmas and waiting for everyone to start arriving for christmas eve. Loved having nothing to do for a few weeks except play with my cousins and brothers all day long in the cold. Also loved the Long Tecmo bowl sessions that we would have. they would often last days. Nintendo on christmas break was sweet! I also loved playing our instruments with the sams for various people in town. it was cool to walk around with eachother and do that. Fires in the back yard were always cool too. it was always pretty fun to watch mark and doug see what flamable liquids could cause the biggest explosion. Just running around grandmas all day with everyone was great. Just loved the overall feel of the holidays in woodville. Those were good times people, good times.

Anonymous said...

I remember one Christmas when I sent Darrel and Johnny to the store across the street to buy something. We waited for them to come back and they didn't and finally I looked out from the front yard and there they were laying on the sidewalk. They had both been wearing dark hooded sweatshirts and decided that they would race back to the house. The one and only policeman on duty in Woodville, saw them and thought they were making an escape after robbing the store.
Such excitement at Christmas.

darrel said...

To clarify......we both had tripped and fallen on the sidewalk....the officer, whom we had not seen chasing us, jumped out of his car with his baton ready to hit someone....Johnny and I were laughing at each other and at the sheriff, who then asked "Did you just rob that store?"

Issac Elias said...

These memories really make me miss grandma and being a kid. We had the best childhood and have the greatest family.

mark said...

seeing all those kids amazed by Santa Claus last night was pretty cool. I'll remember Reese and Lilian thinking that Santa was too scary

Anonymous said...

Do you guy remember how hot it got in Grandma's house. Early in the evening both the front and back doors would get proped open. But then it would get cold, so the doors would get closed, but then it would get hot...

Anonymous said...

I was telling a friend about how we would celebrate on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas day we would have bunelos and hot chocolate for breakfast when I had a flashback. I thought about all those Christmases when we would not only have all of our family, but lots of others at Mom and Dad's house, like Cuco,Tio Abel and his family and Uncle Benny and our cousins Hector and Ernie and their sisters. It seemed that no matter how crowded it got, Mom would always make room for one more person.
It took me a long time to appreciate the kindness people found at the Meneses' house.