another question

What do you hope this new year brings you????



Issac Elias said...

A healthy baby boy!

mark said...

technology to clone teeth and bones, and healthcare cheap enough to afford them

doug said...

more work

Alli said...

less work, and more relaxing

The Nate said...

More Extreme Adventures and Travel. Bungee jumping, Skydive number 2, more scuba diving, a little surfing and White water rafting 2010 here I come! Who's coming with me!?

darrel said...

Successful outings with all of my favorite fishing companions.

the nate said...

here here uncle darrel!

david said...

I am looking foward to a year of more photography. I would like to continue have my photography grow, and I am also looking foward to take more photographs of all of us fishing with uncle darre!

The Nate said...

Be prepared to photograph me catching the most fish!

mark said...

maybe you can photoshop a fish into the picture with me.

caroline said...

Lots of sponsorship and grant money so that our Fall event will be awesome!