Any Good Music Lately

It's been quite some time since we've done this. Last time we got lots of feedback, so I thought it would be a good idea to do it again. What music have you been listening to lately? Anyone that you would like to recommend? Post any suggestions in the comments or add a link by editing this post. I'll get it started with a few suggestions of my own.

Cage the Elephant is a rock band you may have heard on the radio recently.
Ray Lamontagne is the opposite end of the spectrum.
The Kooks is another one that I like.
7 Worlds Collide has a cool song called "Hazel Black", as well as others
Alli would be mad if I left off our mutual favorite The Ting Tings
Greg suggests The Shins and their song "New Slang"
So far I like what I've heard from the newest Pearl Jam album
Here's a video to song by Marit Larsen
So that's a start. Check them out, give your feedback and be sure to add your own. It's always fun to get an idea what people are listening to.


grego said...

this song might actually be a year or so old, but I really like "new slang" by THE SHINS

Alli said...

the ting tings rock! best new happy birthday song since.....the happy birthday song

darrel said...

Is it safe to listen to music again? I got so burned out on Christmas melodies that I stopped listening to anything. This year I bought four Christmas albums, Well, maybe three because I'm not sure the Sting CD had much to do with the holiday. Bob Dylan's was the most painful. The Christmas songs I liked best were two performances by Red State Update. "Too Sick for Christmas" will probably become a classic just like "White Christmas".

mark said...

how can you say that Bob Dylan's Christmas album is painful? Just because he's got no voice anymore? Can you imagine if he had done this album in his prime.
The beautiful tone of Dylan's voice singing "Silent Night" would be more majestic than an actual angel choir!

darrel said...

I heard one critic mention that Bob Dylan is Jewish, so what is he doing singing Christmas songs? Maybe he was TRYING to make it sound bad.

Meneses said...

I made a mixed tape of myself singing all of you should check out hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

I did hear Dylon in his prime and there not that much diffrence unless you want to count what he did with the Traveling Wilburies

Anonymous said...

i must admitt that we to have several christmas albuims and yes we listen to them we just don't have country western christmas carols.