It's Available

Doug and I were browsing yesterday and happened to find something very interesting. I figured I would post a link just in case.


darrel said...

One of my top all time favorite movies, along with Outbreak, Snakes on a Plane, Shall We Dance (Japanese version), and that other one.

doug said...

at least you liking milagro beanfield war makes up for some of your other movies!!!

The Milagro Beanfield Nate said...

Snakes on a Plane??????? For the Love of god lol. Love the Milagro beanfield war too! It's much better than tortilla soup! Would probably be in my top 25 movie list.

freddy fender said...

nobody told me nothin, it doesn't mean somebody didn't tell somebody somethin', but nobody told me nothin'

Anonymous said...

Freddie Fender, I'm gonna hit you so hard, they'll arrest you in El Paso for Speeding!

el brazo said...

i think you mean you'll get a speeding ticket in fresno. watch the movie already!

mark said...

I ordered the book on for $1.35.