Random Question of the Month

The Oscars passed just a few days ago, but sometimes we like movies that don't win any awards.

What is your WORST favorite movie?

(We can't all say Dumb & Dumber, that's mine)


mark said...

as I said, Dumb & Dumber is one of my favorite movies and yes, I know, it's stupid. I don't care, everytime I see Harry belt that chick in the face with a snowball I laugh so hard I cry.

Honorable mention to "Dude Where's my Car?" and "Anchorman"

Meneses said...

what about when he hits harry with the cane thats the part that makes me luagh /cry

Meneses said...

what about when he hits harry with the cane thats the part that makes me luagh /cry

greg said...

Billy Madison is a terrible movie that I quote waaaay to often.

"What are you looking at Swan!!!

They Nate! said...

I would have to agree with Greg! Great choice Greg but, "SHAMPOO IS BETTA IT GOES ON FIRST AND GETS DA HAIR NICE AND CLEAN!"

The Nate said...

The Original Clash of the Titans should win every year! Greatest cheesy special effects ever!

Alli said...

I have too many to list, and an astonishingly high number of them star Keanu Reeves.

bill and ted said...

No Way!

Chris said...

Even when I see the new Clash of the Titans trailers i still think of the mechanical owl...

doug said...

cheech and chong up in smoke has to be up there

"take these man... Oh no dont take those!!!!!"

da nana da nana da da da!!!!!!!!!

cheech said...

Come on ice cream! Come on ice cream!

Joe dirt said...


Billy said...

Nate, what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

doug said...

I also have to put top gun up there. Its pretty cheesy but I still Like to watch it

thats right Ice..Man I am dangerous

darrel said...

I am thinking of Spaced Invaders

Jim said...

Caroline says all the movies I like qualify but I pick "The Villian" It's got Kirk Douglas and the Governator it makes no sense but the horse is awesome