What's Going On?

Here is another "just because" post.  A chance for you all to answer a few questions and enter any and all comments you may have.  It doesn't matter if it's related or not, we can call this one an open thread. 

•  Now that summer is kind of/almost here do you have any big plans?  Jumping from airplanes, vacationing, 
moving, etc.??

•  What do you all think about the Super Bowl being in New Jersey?

•  Is it safe to talk about iPhone here?

•  Has anyone seen MacGruber yet? 

Cousin BBQ

We had a Cousins BBQ out at the Woodville Park on Saturday. Many of you have already seen these pictures, but I thought it would be a good idea to post a few of them here where they will be visible for a while longer and available for family members who may not be facebook users.  For those of you on facebook you've probably seen there were quite a few good pics, including an interesting picture of Nate.

Veronica, Caroline, Alli, Nick, Casey, and Quartnie

Veronica and Baby Isaac (I think he cried once, if that)

These kids owned the park on Saturday, they tagged the sidewalk with something other than gang graffitti.

Nick and Nate with a pre-fight pose.

Jim, Mark, Nick, Nate, Doug, Chris, and Casey

Baby Issac

Baby Issac Arismendez 7lbs 6oz 20 inches @ 10:18PM!!!!!

It's great to welcome the newest member of the family!!  I gather from Facebook that the family is back at home now doing well.