Cousin BBQ

We had a Cousins BBQ out at the Woodville Park on Saturday. Many of you have already seen these pictures, but I thought it would be a good idea to post a few of them here where they will be visible for a while longer and available for family members who may not be facebook users.  For those of you on facebook you've probably seen there were quite a few good pics, including an interesting picture of Nate.

Veronica, Caroline, Alli, Nick, Casey, and Quartnie

Veronica and Baby Isaac (I think he cried once, if that)

These kids owned the park on Saturday, they tagged the sidewalk with something other than gang graffitti.

Nick and Nate with a pre-fight pose.

Jim, Mark, Nick, Nate, Doug, Chris, and Casey


Issac Elias said...

Had a blast, can't wait for next year!

mark said...

well youlre going to have to bring another new baby if you want an invite next year

Issac Elias said...

I think it's ur turn to bring a new baby!

mark said...

somebody else has to make one, and then I'll bring him