What's Going On?

Here is another "just because" post.  A chance for you all to answer a few questions and enter any and all comments you may have.  It doesn't matter if it's related or not, we can call this one an open thread. 

•  Now that summer is kind of/almost here do you have any big plans?  Jumping from airplanes, vacationing, 
moving, etc.??

•  What do you all think about the Super Bowl being in New Jersey?

•  Is it safe to talk about iPhone here?

•  Has anyone seen MacGruber yet? 


mark said...

okay here's my answers on this to start it off. This summer I going camping with the rest of the smiths and possibly catching fish. And I still have trips to Lake Elsinore and Rancho Cucamonga to make. I love that the Jets will get to go to the super bowl as a home game. I want to see MacGruber but haven't yet.
(I didn't mention that apple product cause it may not be safe)

darrel said...

Summer camping trip is less than three weeks away. Beyond that, Allison and I have planned to visit my mom in northern California in July.
Super Bowl? I think the winning team should get to host the next one, no matter where that happens to be.
iPhone? Does it have an app that makes it a rotary dial? That's the only reason I would want one.
MacGruber? I'll only watch it if all you people take back the nasty things you've said about Snakes on a Plane!

mark said...

snakes on a plane would have been better if macgruber was on that plane.
iPhone does have rotary dial app, so do android and webOS

Alli said...

We are going camping with the smith's. Going to Dorris with my dad. Got a trip to Disneyland for Jacks birthday. Connor is going to weekend camp. That's it so far. If New Jersey is good enough for Bon Jovi I figure it's good enough for football.
I also want to see MacGruber! And who cares about the iphone.

The Nate said...

June 19th - So. Cal Oil Rig dive. thats a blue water dive 1000s of feet deep off a boat called the bottom scrather. Even though we won't come close to scratching the bottom of that dive. First weekend of August - week at Lake Tahoe diving, and checking it out. November, December - more catalina Island. July - camping weekend and single day fishing trips. Next August 2011- FIJI!! :) Ok I think it would be pretty cool to see an ugly cold superbowl! Would be different thats for sure! lets just hope Green Bay doesnt make it that year cause who will beat them in the cold? darn you green bay! lol And I want to go watch Macgruber staring greg favereaux! his comedic style is really working!

gregz said...

Taking a summer trip to the vally in August I expect lots of fun stuff to be done with readers of this blog- If they do a SB in NY, they should do one in Green Bay. But overall don't think its a great idea, cuz I remember when SB was down here, and it was two weeks of fun events and fireworks for all the fans. Oh and has anyone seen "THEY LIVE" its the bestest

caroline said...

Summer Plans: Short days at the office and swimming at my parents (if it ever warms up). Trip to Pinecrest Area and Oregon Coast.
And I would gladly watch MacGruber during the next Super Bowl.

The second most interesting man said...

This summer I’m going to the city of Aguascalientes to save a small group of wild, screaming Mexican monkeys suffering from air pollution asphyxiation. From there I will travel south with a group of green peace whale watchers to take on the band of wild whaling pirats of Cocos Island. Head to the East to take on the Dali Lama in a street challenge of Arm Wreastling to the Death! After I defeat him I will take his arm to feed the Cracken and save the lost city of Z. I will then declare myself the King of the Lost City where I will rule over the local Iguana residents. As King I will then petition the NFL to hold all superbowls in my coliseum of stone and marble. In my lost city of stone any talk of cell phones will be punishable by death. An agonizing death by the licking of the Iguanas. After any execution I will then travel back to the mother land to not only watch MacGruber, but to stay in it! These are the facts and they are undisputable.

the doug said...

I hope to fish a bit more....jared is trying to get me to go to denver so perhaps a rocky mt. fishing trip.....I dont like the idea of having the superbowl in NY only becuase the cold weather superbowl was only open to new york...kansas city has been trying to get one for a longtime I think that would be a better place to have it.....I hope to have some more bbqs....and no one is scared of dirty iphoners!!!! and I will never take anything back obout snakes on a plane!!! snakes on a plane is the real reason people hate our country!

Issac Elias said...

This summer I'm going to try n get used to Issac's schedule. Go back to work the last week n July and camping at the beach in august. Wow! My life sounds boring.
As for the super bowl, don't really care where it is, because I'll never be able to afford to actually go.

iPhones are the best!

Anonymous said...

Being a confirmed workaholic, I will probably be working most of the summer. I would like everyone to save the date for the Big August Birthday Bash. I am planning on hosting this party on Sunday, the 15th or 22. It has been a while since we had this event and it is time to bring it back. We will barbecue and swim and have lots of fun.
So don't forget to save the date. By the way, someone is turning the big 30 this year.

darrel said...

Now we have to guess just who this anonymous party host is. Does anyone know a workaholic who is turning 30 in the family? His/her birthday must be in August?

Oh, I think I'll stay anonymous said...

I know that one. It has to be Connie. First of all, she is a double-fisting, roll in the gutter workaholic. Second, her birthday is August 9. Finally, she has been 29 for the last 25 years.

Anonymous said...

Just FYI - if it's on the 15th, the Arismendez family will not be able to make it. We will be on our annual camping trip in morro bay (wish us luck with a three month old).