Random Question of July

If you could be any SuperHero, who would it be, and who do your imagine your archnemisis, Ron, would be?


darrel said...

Well, you know that Ron had Connor convinced that he was a vampire. Connor had to sleep with lights on and garlic on the window sill when he stayed in Woodville. So, I guess I would have to be Blade. Or Buffy.

mark said...

I would be SpiderMan, because like me, the dude can climb anywhere. (I generally stick to trees and rooftops). My archnemesis Ron, would be Venom, but for some reason he would be wearing stretchy pants instead of an alien symbiote costume.

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure what lemonpants is but i would be that guy. My nemesis Ron would be "THE JUICER"

Anonymous said...

Well I always invisioned myself as a Knight of the Nazgul, noble defender of lands of Mordor. I think that would make Ron Frodo. The man who stole our Ring with the intent of causing mass genocide and complete annilation of our territory.

John said...

If I could be a superhero, I would be Justice Guy. Making sure people get what they deserve, especially women who lie.
My arch-nemesis, Ron, would definitely be Dr. Bob.