A successful fishing outing

My dad was kind enough to send me this photo, even though I was not sent an invite.  I suppose they didn't want to take the chance of acquiring my bad luck.
He got three!
He got two!
What the . . . ?? She got four!


darrel said...

Belnap is back on the DFG schedule. They were biting pretty good. I am going to have to reset my drag or get some heavier line on my reel, because twice my line was snapped by trout I would have liked to put on my stringer.

mark said...

that tells how long it's been for me, I forgot that this bridge was at Belknap. I was thinking Wishon, if I had a day off this weekend I'd probably head up there myself.

darrel said...

Nate didn't wait long. Seeing all those fish Joanna caught made him sick.

The Nate said...

Haha yeah Doug and I have been wanting to go for a while, we just havent been able to get the same days off. I actually didnt know that you guys went fishing until after I was on my way. I actually text mike to see if he would like to go with me and he let me know that you guys had just gone yesterday, but yes Joannas fish pictures would have made me sick and I would have been forced to go based on those pictures! Shes going to have to give you guys some fishing lessons haha. And you're right Darrel! you have to go with heavier line! Today I started off with a 4 pound line and caught a pretty huge trout and when i pulled it out of the water and started to pull the fish away from my pole the line just snapped. So I switched my line to 8 pounds and it was fantastic! We all have to go together soon!

aunt maria said...

Harrison and I just happened to drop by the Smith's last night. I tell you, trout is yummy!!!

The Nate said...

Hey aunt maria!! When are you going to talk Harrison into going fishing with us? from what i hear he's pretty good!