The Adventures of LemonPants!

In uncertain times, the country needs a hero. Until now, people have had no one to turn to help them with their troubles. Gone are the times when you put out a spotlight and Batman would come to the rescue. Phone booths have been removed from city streets, leaving Superman unable make the transition from Clark Kent. But now, in the form of the most unlikely candidate, is a new hero. His name is LemonPants! By day he is just a regular egg. But whenever someone needs rescue, he puts on his lemonpants and saves the day.
"LemonPants to the rescue!"


the nate said...

Someone better own up to this stupid super hero. hahaha

mark said...

iand people have said that I have too much time on my hands

Anonymous said...

wow! just when I thought we couldn't stoop any lower. Lemon pants indeed.

Anonymous said...

I would love to stick a firecracker in his lemon pants

mark said...

I have no doubt we could stoop lower. It's what we do.

Anonymous said...

when life give you lemons, make lemonaide

The Nate said...

Ok lets see who can stoop lower to this! LOL want to see the interesting posts we get trying to best your lemonaid pants egg lol

Anonymous said...

I once saw Mr. Lemon pants at a concert. I believe that he was there for the same purpose I was. That purpose? To apprehend the diabolic Mr. Mean Mean Jellybean, who to this day is still on the loose.
CaptainMajorGenral Gato El Fuego
Yes I got promoted

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Lemon Pants shows up in MAine we will CRUSH HIM, and then and sugar and fresh mint to his demis HA HA HA!!!!