Dive Into My World

Watching USC partial band at the Casino Point fourth of July BBQ. They were pretty amazing live!
Me in my red fins chasing my friend and dive master Steve Oneal to see the monster Sea Bass

Hard to make out but this was a very friendly California Seal. The most agile animal I have ever seen!

Me and the HUGE lol Horn Shark that I caught at Ship Rock

One of the famous Sea Bass that we ran into on our first dive! Amazing! These things get as big as a VW bug easily. This one was probably about 300 pounds. Way bigger than us.


mark said...

great pictures man, it must be fun swimming around in the mysterious world underwater

aunt maria said...

Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing.

aunt maria said...

Amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing!

The Nate said...

Thanks Mark! And No problem aunt maria!! :) This was a great dive trip. There was so much to see. The water was really clear and felt great and we got to dive with three free divers who were in the process of making a documentary on the human affect on the ocean enviornment. Turns out one of the divers was an Emmy award winner for graphics design for his work on a series called Sports Science. So through diving I have got to meet and hang out with an Emmy award winner and the producer of bones! Good times! :) Wish the pictures did the dive justice.

Anonymous said...

That looked like it was fun.

Anonymous said...

yes it was :)