The Random Question of the Month

What is the last music you purchased/downloaded/copied, etc?  You get the picture.


mark said...

North Mississippi All Stars, my friend burned the CD for me.

Alli said...

V.V. Brown and B.o.B

darrel said...

Dirty Vegas

greg said...

"Congradulations" by MGMT

Jim said...

The soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian

The Nate said...

My last download was The soundtrack to "do you smoke crack Jim?" haha just kidding Jim! :) But really, really, do you dress up like Conan, grab a sword and raise it slowly to the climactic crescendos of your movie soundtrack? :) Because that would be sweet!!!! Seriously though, just downloaded a bunch of Incubus.

Anonymous said...

One Eskimo: Kandi
Officer Scraps!!!!!
Boo ya

Anonymous said...

Nate, how did you know so much about Jim?

mike said...

a bunch of incubus is probably too much incubus, small doses man. myself, it was Mexican Institute of Sound. some funky stuff but what do you expect with sock monkey as the DJ?