Hating the Evil Empire

The East Meneses are bumming because we just saw the FREAKING Yankees win in the tenth inng, but they have to play again in twenty minutes. May the evil empire lose and have to play Texas in the paly offs.


The Nate said...

Haha good to see you posting on here Art! We need to see more of that from the big E.C.M.F (East Coast Meneses Family)! Don't worry my friend, my giants are trying to lose four in a row to NOT make the playoffs. lol Hey thanks for the lobster cooking tips! That thing came out great!

mike said...

I'm here hoping to see a three way tie between the giants, padres, and braves cause that would be fun. I'm not even sure how they would work it out but the fact that it's a possiblity is why baseball is such an awesome sport. i have to take a moratorium on hating the evil empire until the regular season ends. out of respect to stienbrenner. when the post season starts, the hating will resume on it's regular schedule.

Mark said...

Yankees get the Twins, then possibly the Rangers in the second round. I'm afraid you're NorthEast misery may have to live on for a couple weeks.
At least the Dodgers and Red Sox won't lose anymore games this year!
I think I'm pulling for a Rangers/Braves world series???
That just sounds weird.