Does this count as fishing? :) My first Lobster!

Went straight to Mommas Plate!


The Nate said...

Thanks for telling me how to go about it Art. My mom thanks you to! :)

mark said...

I could only allow this to count if you had brought some for me and Cathi

the nate said...

haha hopefully next time I will catch enough to do that for you mark but out of fear of being knived to death by my own mother, singles go to her. lol

Unknown said...

Is that a Maine lobster, because if it is not, I would say it is just a bottom feeder!

Hope you are doing well cuz!

Little Art

The Nate said...

Haha art these whimpy bottom feeders don't even have claws! Hope you're well too!

Anonymous said...

those ain't no stinking lobsters, if you want real lobsters you need to come to Maine, where ours have claws and we force them to do the race of the boiling pot, loser goes in first. HAHAHAHAHA. We then force them to dunked in butter oh it's so good.