Christmas Past


Aunt Maria said...

Thank you to whoever posted the picture!

mark said...

Nice pictures, bring backs good memories.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Art says, glad to hear that you still keep the tamale tradition up. I would love to get a chase to eat about a dozen or so all by myself. Does anyone have the recipe to make the tamale dough????
PS have you all got your shopping done. tell me your funnist Christmas shopping story.

Anonymous said...

Tamale Dough is actually mixture of yellow and white Play-Dough

mark said...

my funniest christmas shopping story?? You'd have to ask Cathi, she does 90% of the shopping. Uncle Art, You'll have to send us some white christmas photos.

The Nate said...

Art I have a pretty funny christmas story! So my friend and I were at Food For Less at about 1:30 Am the day before Christmas Eve last year. We were buying wine for his family to have for Christmas. It was late and there were not very many people in the store so they were only using one check-out line. We got in line behind this nice little old lady. While she was checking out she turned to my friend as if she knew him and yelled, "MEJO how have you been? I'm soooo glad to see you here at the store! How is tio Juan? She was going on and on and on until the checker finished ringing up her bill. When the checker was telling the lady how much the total for her bill was my friend looked at me and said, "hey! I don't know that lady! Do you know who the heck that was?" And I told him that I had no clue and that I thought it was his aunt or something. We were trying not to laugh and were pretty distracted by the confusion. So we then proceed to check out to pay for two 9.00 dollar bottles of wine and when we get rung up the total is 95.00 dollars. We asked the checker what the heck she was talking about because we only have two 9.00 dollar bottles of wine. She then tells us that the lady said that she was my friends great aunt and that he was taking care of both bills. The teller said that we needed to get that lady before she left so we ran out as fast as we could to the parking lot and saw the lady was just closing the trunk of her car and crawling into the drivers side to take off. My friend started yelling at her to stop while we were running at her car. We got there right before she was able to pull the door closed and my friend grabbed the door and I grabbed the ladies leg and I was pulling on her leg trying to pull her out of the car. she grabbed the stearing wheel yelling at us while I was pulling her leg and pulling her leg and pulling her leg........Just like I'm pulling your leg now! hahahahahahaha. Not true but hey!! very funny christmas story yes no? haha

Anonymous said...

Uncle Art,
pretty funny, but i have a real one. went christmas shopping at the wal-mart one year. i get my cart and start shopping. theses old gray woman in thier late sixtys are behind me with thier cart. they push thier cart in to the back of my heels, it hurts but i just smile and look back at them. a couple seconds later boom again with the cart in to my heels, but this time i'm very poliet and bring it up to thier attention, thet just blow me off. twice more they hit my heels. they are really loading up thier cart. they leave thier cart all alone in the toy and when they are not looking i put abunch of gi joes nad hot wheels in thier cart. they go to cash out and the cashier is ringing every thing. when the cashier gets to the toys they just look at each other, but don't say a thing. in the parking lot thier yelling at each cause they think the other one got toys and they should pay. it was funny.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA Art! I'm going to try to do that trick to people every chance I go shopping now and It is all your fualt.