it great to be a east coast meneses sport fan

hey west meneses.

this is the east coast meneses letting you all know that it's great time to be a east coast sport fan!!!!!

first we grounded the new york jets and turned them into piles of scrape metal on the runway.
we later went into san diego and not only ate thier tacos and rice but we took thier best player and brought over to become a redsox man.

then we went to tampa bay and took thier only player, oh yea

the celtics are on the move can you say even the chump lakers don't want a piece of this action!!!!!

the BOSTON BRUINS are playing tough hockey.

and on 12-12-2010 the new england patriots hunted down the chicgo bears and we ate thier livers and for deseart we clinched our playoff spot again.

Oh yes!!!! it's a good time to be a east coast meneses sport fan, how bout those GO MAINE BLACK BEARS HOCKEY


The Nate said...

Haha Looking good for The East! However I'm still lovin how the West won the last World Series and NBA championship, and how the East didn't win the last Super Bowl. :)

Anonymous said...

But don't forget the Big East Conference! Wow, how about Connecticut's football team which I had never even heard of until this year going to the Fiesta Bowl with their four losses. I hope they enjoy their last ever BCS bowl bid which will be owned by TCU from now on.

TJ Zebra said...

Everyone thinks TCU left the Mountian West so they could win a title, but NO! They are scared of what the Aztecs are gonna do to them! They nearly had them this year in Texas with a soph QB and fresh running back! and dont forget the undefeated Aztec B'ball team that is ranked higher than UConn!

mark said...


go Dodgers, I hope the judge will end our Boston curse. The Jets will get the last laugh as soon as they remember where they left their offense.
Go St Louis Blues hockey!

Anonymous said...

speaking of four losses the NFC west is going to get a home game with a losing record. and if they were playing in the AFC east we wouldn't let them play against BOSTON-U cause BOSTON-U would win. HAHA