Not So Random Baseball Question

It's that time of year again! Baseball is just days away from starting up all over the country. With that in mind, it's time for your fearless predictions on the 2011 season. Who will go to the playoffs? Who will be the MVP? Who will have the most talked about facial hair? And who will win it all and be this year's World Series Champion?

Any other random baseball predictions you want to throw in there, feel free.


mark said...

Since I posted this one, I guess I'll start. This year is especially important, because the Mayans didn't predict a World Series winner in 2012.

Wild Card: Rockies
AL EAST: Yankees
Wild card: Rangers

Pujols and Miguel Cabrera MVPs
Dodgers will win the World Series over the Yankees.

darrel said...

The Royals will be the most improved team west of the Mississippi, north of the historic 66 highway, south of Mount Rushmore, and east of the Great Salt Lake.

The World series will involve a team wearing blue playing a team wearing red, no, black.

"Fear the Beard" has jumped the shark.

Red Sox and Yankee will continue to be shown on television every weekend.

Yankee Stadium will be the last holdout for giving up the miserable singing of God Bless America during the seventh inning stretch. (Do it before the game please not when the last beers are being sold!)

And finally...........The DODGERS will be in the playoffs, and as always, first in our hearts!

David Grimsleezy said...

AL EAST: Yankees Jeter will have 200 hits.
AL Central: Detroit
AL WEST:Oakland will have a better pitching staff then Texas so Oakland takes the west.

Wild card Boston:

NL East I want to say the Mets but the young Braves will win this division.
NL Central: ST Louis Pujols MVP. and Automaticly inducted to the hall of fame!
NL West: Colorado with jimenez winning the CY young
Wild card: Phillies.

I have the Yankees and Rockies in the show with the Yankees winning in 7. Jeter is the MVP!

Go Mets!

greg said...

if the nfl strikes, Im gonna take the packers to win the world series

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses
NL West the Giants
NL Central the Cardinals
NL East the Phillies
The Wild Card is Alanta
AL West is the A's
AL Central the White Sox
AL Wild Card the Twins
And the AL East Boston Red SOX

The wild card will not be the yankees because the AL East is so tough this year.
Pujols will win the MVP for the NL, bit DUstin Pedora will win it for the AL. Boston will set a baseball record for most stolen bases by any team this year.

Anonymous said...

Will there ever be an unpredictable "not so random question?"

mark said...

No, there will never be an unpredictable "NOT so random question"?

The Nate said...

NL WEST: Giants in a tight race but not with the Dodgers!
NL CENTRAL: Cardinals
NL EAST: Phillies with the best pitching staff in baseball
AL WEST: Taking the Angels to bounce back but I wouldn't be suprised if A's or Texas took it.
AL CENTRAL: Twins even though they are such a boring team
AL EAST: Boston Red Sox have the best pitching in this division so I'm taking them.

NL WILD CARD: The Atlanta Braves
AL WILD CARD: The New York Yankees
man baseball needs a salary cap!!

Art you should kick yourself for thinking D.P is going to win the AL MVP....never, never in a million years!! I know the chances of Giants repeating will be very slim based on the fact that, well, they are the Giants and it's super hard to win back to back championships in any sport but I still can't wait to see how this upcoming season pans out for The DEFENDING WORLD SERIES CHAMPION SAN FRANSISCO GIANTS!!! love how that sounds!

Mark said...

I can't wait for anyone else to win the World Series just so i can quit hearing that phrase that Nathan ended with. Curse the Rangers for losing that series!
One more week and Baseball is officially back!

Meneses said...

sorry folks, giants take it all.. They lost no one, added some talent, and i don't even like those jackals. good luck dad! hope ur team wins another for u. as for me and my house, anyone but the yanks or dodgers.. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Reds and Yankee's. Red in 7, 13 innings-4-3

Unknown said...




world series is gonna be tough. the playoffs are gonna be a brawl in the NL. I'll pick the dodgers cause why not and they will be facing off against the twins, maybe even winning this thing.

Stienbrenner said...

Wow now I'll have to change things up now that Darrel has cracked the code of why we instigated the God Bless America singing. People like singing take me out to the ball game, but God Bless America gives them time to run up and buy another beer. How else could you afford to pay for A-Rod? Yankee Stadium will be the last beacon of light to give this up, and that day will happen the day after this beautiful country of ours falls to the green shirts and the leftists who wanna bring an end to capitalism!
This is the year for my beloved team, the Yankees will win it all! Bold prediction for the Pack winning it all, maybe the NL central but they just don't have the pitching staff to make a deep run in the play-offs. There are no pitchers in the AL east to covet that aren't named C.C. If Boston comes close to that stolen base record it's only due to a lack of bats to get the job done otherwise. The Giants lost two things this off season, Juan Uribe and the underachieving underdog status that helped them slip in under the radar last season.

doug said...

NL west - Giants
NL Cen - cards
NL East - braves

AL west - A's
AL Cen - Twins
AL east - Boston

Wild card Phills