Totally Random Question of the Month

What else do Elephants eat?

... you know, other than peanuts?


Anonymous said...

Hot dogs, fries, and a coke. I saw right through this one--it's another baseball question!

mark said...

what?? this question has nothing to do with baseball! Don't even try to use the thin connection that the Oakland A's use an elephant as a mascot.
This was a random question brought forth from the fact that I couldn't sleep at 2 o'clock in the morning.

I bet elephants like cashews if anyone bothered to try it out.

Dumbo "Babe" Ruth said...

Pachyderms love to eat Armadon's, Mammoths, and of Mastodons.

Meneses said...

Hay, grass, leaves, and cracker jaxs because they don't care if they ever get back to the old ball game....

Anonymous said...

Small children

Anonymous said...

they love churros,I do know that thay can't carry much because of the narrow trunks

Anonymous said...

only asian elephants like cashews.

The Nate said...


What did the grape do when the elephant sat on it?
It let out a little wine.

doug said...

I hope they like bullets!

Anonymous said...

Hey Meneses, it's never get back to work that the elephants don't care to get back too. But I am sure it wasn't an elephant who told you that because as we all know, elephants never forget. I also think that they like to nibble on small trees.