
Here's my first fishing picture of the year. It took two attempts, and fishing in the rain, but finally I found some luck. With any more luck I'll have a picture of Pax with fish in the weeks to come.


Anonymous said...

I am glad your luck has changed. Do you think it will rub off on the Dodgers?

mark said...

I don't know, but I think using the Nederlands hat instead of the LA hat might have had an impact on my luck

Vlade said...

In Russia, Fish catches you!!!

The Nate said...

Nice job on the fish mark! And great job on the hat switch!!! So where did you go? That stream looks pretty cool!

mark said...

That's the little stream that flows into the river at Belnap. Right there at the end of the road where I park. The fishing was pretty good that day, after the rain stopped.

The Nate said...

Sweet! Looks like a good day! I went with a friend from work to teach her how to fish earlier but we had to park at camp nelson hike to belnap and do a little snow bank fishing lol. we both did well! It was fun! was there still snow?

mark said...

just a few patches, but the road was all clear. The water is still super cold, I would know seeing as how I fell into it once.

Meneses said...

nice catch marky.. You only got three more years for you can think like a fish...