Random Question

Although I'm not the official 'Random Questioner' I thought I'd ask one just to see some movement on the blog...

In the true spirit of "Random" question...

#1. What's the one thing you couldn't live without?

In the spirit of not so random question (and it being April)...

#2. What are you're Easter plans?


mark said...

in the spirit of answers to the random questions, I won't exactly answer this question in the way it was asked.
I can't live without oxygen, but I also don't want live without baseball, pizza, or music. (I didn't want to go with the obvious sentimental stuff like my kids, but you could throw them in too if that makes me seem more humanitarian.)

For Easter, it's the traditional day for me and the family -- Church and Easter Egg hunt at Caroline's house.

Good job with the Random Question this month.

Anonymous said...

I am putting the sentimental stuff right up there. I can't imagine life without family. I also can't live with out the opportunities, not anything in particular, just the ability to say I could...,
Ditto Mark on the Easter plans. I will be eating peeps and of course lots of chocolate bunnies

caroline said...

I will skip the truly vital and sentimental and say that the one necessity I can't live without is lotion. I keep it in my car, desk and around the house - no dry hands for me.

Easter - church and then the Easter egg hunt at my house. And wine, I will be enjoying a glass of Wine.

darrel said...

Vital organs. They are very important.

You know, life throws some curves and high hard ones sometimes. You might be surprised at the things you have to give up, and still keep living.
For me, one essential thing is laughter. I think that if I lose the ability to appreciate the silly, goofy, ridiculous, idiotic, and ironic things in life, you can start saying your goodbyes.

Easter at Caroline's.

Alli said...

Things I couldn't live without, my husband, kids and family.
And coffee. Lots of coffee.

Easter morning at church, afternoon at Caroline's, and then possible a late night drive down to Anaheim to spend Monday at Disneyland. Because my kids can't live without Mickey.

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)Besides family and loved ones. The changing of the season's. Watching winter's gripe loosen and color come back. After a long winter's grey to see green grass growing, and to see the different colors of birds gathered around the bird feeders. To see a red cardinal against a grey landscape is great. Listening to old music, that means something to me.

Anonymous said...

I think that one thing I really enjoy is a nap. Good coffee and chocolate are also some of life's necessities. Of course great big thick books are something else I can't live without and watching the Lord of the Rings every chance I get.

smeagol said...

And sneaking!