Raffle for Jessica's Grad Party

Hello everyone! We are so proud of Jessica and all she has acccomplished. At her party this Friday, we are adding a raffle section. All guests will receive a complementary raffle ticket. Extra tickets will be available for $1 each, with all money going to Jessica for her school expenses. Simply put your tickets by the prize(s) you hope to win. Prizes will include: Super Soaker, A Homade Pie, A Winelovers Package, and A Baseball Fan Experience. Depending on the weather we will also have a Diving Competition. We will be looking for participants AND judges!

Jessica's Graduation Party

A big invitation to all to celebrate Jessica's High School Graduation.
June 3rd at 6:30 pm, Darrel and Connie's house in Woodville.
Smith's will be BBQ'ing hamburgers and hotdogs and everyone else is asked to bring side dishes for potluck.

There will be swimming and some games, and we will be having a raffle to help raise money for Jessica's "book" fund. So come prepared!

You can RSVP here or on facebook, and hope to see you all there!

Issac's 1st Birthday

Sorry, theses are a little late. But for those of you that missed it, I thought I would post a couple pictures of the fun.