Raffle for Jessica's Grad Party

Hello everyone! We are so proud of Jessica and all she has acccomplished. At her party this Friday, we are adding a raffle section. All guests will receive a complementary raffle ticket. Extra tickets will be available for $1 each, with all money going to Jessica for her school expenses. Simply put your tickets by the prize(s) you hope to win. Prizes will include: Super Soaker, A Homade Pie, A Winelovers Package, and A Baseball Fan Experience. Depending on the weather we will also have a Diving Competition. We will be looking for participants AND judges!


The Nate said...

Caroline, I know you'e doing the dive competition!! right? right?

mark said...

I'll do the dive competition, but I'm going to need a few things. 1) A stack of 10 chairs 2)someone throwing knives 3) a fiery loop 4) a stunt double to eat chips while I'm diving.

Alli said...

I will provide 3 and 4. Oh and 2.

Anonymous said...

That baseball fan experience better not be the Giants fan in Dodger Stadium parking lot type of experience.