Return of the Random Question!

After 30 consecutive months of having random questions, we missed out last month. So this one is inspired by the folks who are graduating high school and finding their first jobs.

What's the weirdest or worst job you ever had?


mark said...

First of all I'll apologize for forgetting the random question last month, I hope people weren't tooooo upset.

So my worst job was working in the mall trying to get people to participate in a survey. I had to wear a thin plastic red coat, hold a clip board and ask them to watch a trailer for the movie "Bubble Boy". Let's just say that 2 days on the job were enough for me.

darrel said...

For two weeks I attempted to sell and deliver tickets for Donkey Basketball when it came to Porterville. Boy, that had been pushed completely out of my memory!

jake said...

the weirdest/worst job I ever had was playing the lead in a film called "bubble boy"

Anonymous said...

I think Ned Beaty had the hardest part.

david G said...

Back when I was picking beans in Guatemala, we used to make fresh coffee, right off the trees I mean. That was good.

by far the weirdest job ive ever had.

The Nate said...

By far the weirdest job I ever had was being the guinea pig for the Navy helping them develop a monitoring system for fighter pilot helmets.
I got this job from a friend who worked with the Navy and was looking for the best video game player he could find. Rumor had it that I was pretty good so he asked if I would give it a shot. I accepted.
So I show up to the guard shack at the Naval Base in Point Loma and checked in and about 10 minutes later two armed guards picked me up in a golf cart, put a confidential tag on me and told me to make sure not to disclose any information about what I see or do to anyone outside of our work station. I was then taken into this little office where I was told exactly what was being developed and what I would be doing. The Navy developing a helmet for fighter pilots that monitored their brainwave activity and sent a continual stream of their brainwave activity to monitoring flight towers to show how cognitive they were and what the G forces were doing to the pilot. They were having trouble with pilots passing out momentarily in the F-16s.
So, my job in this process was to wear the experimental helmet, sit in a small closet and play a video game until I passed out. The helmet was HUGE. I would come in, sit on a chair and wait while they hooked up all these electrodes running from the helmet to my head before they could put the helmet completely on me. There was a tiny video camera that shot into my right eye and on a computer screen I could actually see my own tunnel vision from that eye. (much like the view of the predator on Predator.) That was very cool! I also had a two way communication system so I could talk with the designers of the helmet. So they would put this gynormous helmet on me with electrodes and tunnel vision video cameras, a two way communication system and walk me to this Tiny little room less than the size of an average broom closet. I would sit on the tiny bench in a pitch black room and a little screen would just turn on and the video game would pop up. I would grab the one controller and start playing it. It was funny because I was told how they really need someone who's fantastic at video games and the game they had me play was basically like Asteroids. Not toooo difficult. I would start playing and the operators and designers would start talking to me. They were trying to keep me awake and cognitive but within a couple minutes of playing the game they would start blasting a constant and loud white noise. It was sooo annoying but the combination of the Huge helmet, the complete darkness (besides the video game) and the video game itself, the blasting white noise and the designers trying to talk to me I would seriously start feeling like I was going to pass out. I remember every time this started to happen the controllers would start yelling at me since they could see my brainwave activity decrease. They knew when I was falling asleep. They would yell crazy stuff like, "DONT YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP OR WE‘LL COME IN THERE!" "FIGHT IT!" "YOU BETTER FIGHT IT!" “DAMNIT GRIMSLEY STAY AWAKE!!!“ And every time I would just respond "NO, I can't, I'm going to sleep!!!" I would thin put the controller down and pass out slamming the helmet on the little table that held the controller every single time.
They would let me sleep for a while, open the door pick me up, take off the helmet, walk me out the door while giving me a printout of my brainwave activity for that session, give me my check for the day and say, "Don't forget to report this to the IRS and we'll see you tomorrow!" They would drive me back to the security shack, drop me off and speed off. Very weird.

Agent Jones said...

You weren't supposed to tell anybody about this Mr. Grimsley. Furthermore it is the offical statement that all reports of these tests allowing the military to have permanent empathic access to all those who participated in these studies are untrue.

MK Infotech said...

very nice
Data Entry

Anonymous said...

The worst job I ever had was when I was a teenager and in charge of the family crew. We were going to pick cucumbers for one of the family farms around Woodville.
We got there bright and early and started picking getting 40 cents an hours. We had been doing pretty good when the boss decided we were making too much money. So we were assigned to clean rows. You could walk a mile and only find a few cucumbers. We were not getting an hourly wage. After a few hours in which we made about a dollar (all four of us) we quit!!!!

Meneses said...

You don't know worst jobs till you've umpired leauge bobby sox.... From parent to daughter from bobby to sox..... Extreme Hate for the umpire!!!!! All bad...

yoyo-yak said...

your blog rox!!!

Anonymous said...

The worst job I've ever had was tying grape vines. This is done in November and December. The vines are wrapped around a wire and attached with a small metal tie. It wouldn't have been so bad, but it was cold. Often you get to work after a frost. Your hands get numb and as the vines begin to defrost they get slippery. If you weren't careful you'd lose grasp of a vine before tying it down. It unwinds and comes at you with a g-force in scientific notation. And always, always you get hit in the face. Geez, I hated tying vines.

Anonymous said...

Worse job I ever had was loading milk trucks delivery in the summer. Because the loading dock would get hot and no matter good you washed the dock, the smell of spoiled milk and dairy products would make it almost impossible to breath and then you take the smell home with in you clothes.