Woe Unto Thee That Missed Swimtember

The Koontz family decided to keep plans to go fishing instead of attending Swimtember. So we headed to Balch Park, where the people next to us caught four while we got zero. Everett improved his casting and the kids had a good time. I packed up all the fishing gear and we left around 3 pm.

Down the mountain, we came upon a mass of camping gear and BBQ in the road. A family was trying to repack, so I hopped out of the car to help. They needed a screwdriver, so I ran back unpacked the fishing gear and found one. Then I saw Caroline wrestling with our little idiot dachshund who was wrapped up in fishing line with a hook in his mouth and one in his collar. We tried and tried but could not get the hook out - ever after dosing him up with Kids Tylenol to make him drowsy. Caroline wouldn't let me just rip it out.

Back in Visalia, I took furry catch to the emergency vet and $240 and two hours later the dog was without piercings. I pulled into the driveway in time for him to have a bad reaction to the meds and have diarrhea all the backseat of my car.

So either never miss a Meneses family function or never take a dachshund fishing I'm not really sure what the lesson is.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that Anakin is ok. Sad that your wallet is lighter and that a heavy cloud of doggie poo hangs over your car's back seat. Oh by the way a good time was had by all who attended Swimtember.

Anonymous said...

Time for a trade-in?

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses,
We’re going to have to start throwing those parties in absence just so we don’t get hurt. But we will tacos and breakfast burritos if you think that will appease the angry MENESES. Sorry about the dog, but I think i heard ron chuckling all the way to Maine when he read that.

Love East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)

mark said...

wow, I think we'll need a dramatic retelling of this story at Christmas this year

The Nate said...

hahahahahahhahahaha OMG I laughed so hard I had to punch my dad! :) This story was one of the most awesome things I have ever read on this blog and I say Good day sir! I SAID GOOD DAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess i should have included an owner's manual when I gave you Anakin