Getting Ready

This is one of the white pumpkins I've got growing. 
This year's carving contest will be in Terra Bella on the 29th.


The Nate said...

The Smith Pumpkin Carving Contest is no joke and the Smiths are all business about it but I'm going to suprise everyone, enter the contest and take home the grand prize some day....I'm just saying! lol

mark said...

Alright Nate! It will be great to have you out there. The more pumpkins the better, last year we had 20. You can bring new Heather along too.

The Nate said...

Sweet! So, you're saying I should submit Heather as my pumpkin?

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
I know this pumpkin contest is no joke when your growing pale white pumpkins just to impress the judges.
Put some pictures on the blog when O.K.
Here in Maine we have big yellow pumpkins and then the GREAT PUMPKINS leave large amounts candy and presents to all the good girls and boys.
Uncle Art

Meneses said...

Uncle Art are you going to be spending Holloween night in a big pumpkin patch with a blue blanket waiting for the "GREAT PUMPKIN?" Cause if so, count me in!! :)