The Random Question of the Month

What would you do if you were driving and a row of ducks came out to cross the road?



mark said...

I think I would stop, but Roasted duck does sound pretty good. I'm sure they wouldn't miss one duck from that row

Santa Claus said...

I would tie them to my sleigh, Im tired of reindeers, they can be such divas... Go then!! Go play your stupid reindeer games!!! I got ducks!

Connie Smith.....Aunt Connie Smith said...

I would kill them like I used to kill the frogs when I was young. I would chop of their little hind legs and tie their front wings to my bumper and just go baby. Or I could do to them what I did to rabbits as a kid where I would drive up to them at a slow pace with my lights off and when I got close enough to them I would hit the lights freezing them with fear and confusion and hit the gas taking them out one by one.

Yeah she did that! lol

Anonymous said...

That was actually Mrs. Leola Schooler that would drive over them just to hear them pop. This was usually on the drive home from evening church service.
The real Connie Smith would write a book, wait that has been done already in the world famous story Make Way for Ducklings.

caroline said...

I would get out of the car and demand the cars behind me stop to let them pass. What kind of world do we live in with the dangers of millenium certs and no safe paths for ducks??

Anonymous said...

I would be glad to know that my day was going to be a good one because I would see that my ducks were in a row.
Gato El Didn'tseethisonecomming.

Anonymous said...

East Coast Meneses (Uncle Art)
This is the last time I'm going to listen to you. Hey will just pop into the Chinese restaraunt get some fried rice and noddles, now look at us.

Anonymous said...

id keep driving even if that ment i had to run caroline over! I DONT WAIT FOR DUCKS!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys follow me I know this great chinese restraunt and the PU-PU platter is to die for.

ShotGun Johnny said...

Plink- Plink-, Plink-Plink-Plink!!
What do I win?