Fudge King vs. Soup King for Allison!

Fudge king vs. soup king
Fudge king, soup king
Enter on to the Christmas scene
To see who will be the holiday champ
Soup king punches the crazy fudge king
Fudge king gives him a chocolate slap

Soup king swings his carrot sword
And punches him in the fudge
Fudge king kicks soup king in the potatoes
But soup king doesn’t budge

The fight is fierce and were all afraid
That this will be a fight to the death
But mixing chocolate with different soups will give us all bad breath
So fudge king drop kicks soup king right in his croutons
Soup king splatters on the floor but isn’t down to long
Soup king pulls out a side of bread and beats fudge king all about
But suddenly from out of nowhere we all hear a mighty shout!
“What’s going on here this Christmas eve?” “There’s only one holiday king, "and that holiday king is me!”
Shocked and scared fudge and soup both back away
Cause the Pepsi king has made his way
To claim his rightful crown!
He’ll take on any Christmas challenge! So MARK, go get your crown
Mark, go take it down!

By the way this was Fudge King awesome!


The Nate said...

Ok I admit it; this really isn't a Holliday cheer type of Christmas poem! This was more of an encouragement for Greg to come up with another Christmas challenge for mark to take down! The 2 liter Pepsi out of the vase challenge will be a long time classic! I'll come up with something a bit more appropriate closer to Christmas to make up for this so called poem haha. Or maybe I'll leave it to the pros; Greg or Scott!

Alli said...

I don't know, I really liked it!!!!

mark said...

Now you're just making me want to show up wearing a cape. And I'm getting hungry too.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Nate keep smoking what you're smoking you awesome weirdo!

Santa said...

Go fudge king, it's your birthday, we gonna party like its your birthday, sip catnip just like it's your birthday and we don't give no soup like it's your birthday!!! yeah fuuuudddgggeeee!