It's Been a While...

It's been quite some time since we had an update here on the blog. The T-Shirts post needed to drop from the top, so I'm just going to post a this one today.
To those out there who still take a minute to come by and check this out, I'd like to invite you to leave comments and add your own posts as often as you can.

We started this site years ago with the idea that using the internet we could stay in touch with family. And while the blog is past it's peak, other internet activity has come in it's place to keep people up to date with family around the country.

I'll try to keep posting something at least once a month, hopefully more ofthen than that. I also may just steal some of your pictures from Facebook and re-post them on here occasionally.

As always, I wish everyone in the family the best. It's always fun when we can get together, but it's nice to know we can post online to share whenever we feel like it.


Greg F said...

I love the Meneses Spot- occasional I tell people, "I need to check my family's website" and they are like "Your family has a website?!?!" and I'm like "uh, yeah, we're awsome"

Anonymous said...

I think it's high time to start planning the summer family get togethers too.

mark said...

It's about time for a BBQ right? Let's get on this!