The Raquel Guerrero Meneses Scholarship

Congratulations to Connie Domingues the 2012 Raquel Guerrero Meneses Scholarship recipient.  This is Liz's brain child and the 2nd year it has been awarded.  Qualifications include:  1) Minimum 2 years attendance at Woodville Elementary School, 2) Must be a graduate of Woodville Elementary School, 3) 3.0 or higher accumulative GPA at Monache High School,  4) Acceptance to 2 or 4 year College Institution.

Last year's award value was $250.00.  We doubled the contributions this year and awarded $500.00.  Contributors included: Liz, and LarryPigott, Maria and Harrison Favereaux, and  Ron Meneses.  Join us in our goal to once again double the value for a $1000. 00  2013 scholarship. 


mark said...

This is a very cool idea. Who was the winner last year? I was thinking we could have a page where we archive all the past and future winners

Go2dMax said...

Don't forget to add Larry's name without his contributions these past two awards wouldnt have been possible. Thanks!

caroline said...

Nice! Is this at Monache? Great picture of you as well, Aunt Maria?

Aunt Maria said...

@ Mark, I can't remember. I'm thinking I have the email at work. I'll look for it and get back to you
@ Liz, Larry's been added.
@Caroline, yes this is at Monache and thank you. Ron came with me and took the picture.

Scott said...

Great idea... Who do we donate to?

Aunt Maria said...

I've been the one collecting and then working with Monache. You can send any donations my way. The next contribution won't be made till this time next year so there's no rush. You can either mail a check to me or send something with Ron, he's up this way several times a week.
Any donations are appreciated and those donating help to decide who gets the award.