Happy Birthday Maria Favereaux

Today is Maria's 50th birthday, just kidding, I was wanting to see if you were checking out the site. I'm sure Grandma Maria does on occassion. I kid, I kid. Well I guess i won't be getting a Christmas card this year. Your sister Connie was supposed to post something nice about your birthday, but since she didn't I decided to send my own birthday wishes to you. We hope to see you soon, and really sincerely HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Another birthday

suzie wanted to let people know that liam's birthday was the 26 of January as well.
a side bar for Lisa and gabe, Lisa is doing good the baby is doing well. She is beginning to get a little uncomfortable. The baby is going to be a boy for those who have not heard. Josue is doing good although his diet exist of two eggs, toast and a glass of milk for breakfast. Second breakfast at daycare is usually two or three pancakes and juice. then 10:00 o'clock snack then lunch, after nap he get another snack then he comes home and has a piece of fruit before dinner. the dinner. Then after bath he gets two eggs and cheese for a bed time snack.

More Changes to Format

Okay if you check out this site regularly, you can see that I have made some changes to what the site looks like. I wanted to customize it, so it's a bit more unique and we can start adding links. While I was at it, I changed the color and the entire link. For us Risk players, I added a permanent link on the side for the standings. I'm not sure how this will look in every browser so I hope it's cool. Let me know if you are having trouble viewing things on the page. Alright everybody, take care. Oh by the way, if you want to send pictures for me to post, right now I can only post JPEG's. I'm not sure why this is, but that's how it's working. But I'll appreciate anything you can find and would like to contribute.

Just a quick note

I had thought that Arturo would be coming into California on the 18th, but he let me know that he wouldn't be able to make it. He's going to be staying in Beijing for a while. He's teaching and still trying to learn Chinese. He told me that he's still going to try to make it in September.

I'm still looking for pictures from Christmas to put up here, so if anybody has some they can email me. Alright well, I hope everybody's doing fine. We'll see you soon

There can Only Be One!!!

Greenland?... Iceland?... Greenland?... Iceland?

Last night we played a game of Risk and as usual there were some good strategies and some classic blunders. The players were Gabe, Nate, Mike, Darrel, and myself. If you're not getting into these games you really should be. We usually have at least one empty spot at the table, and we're willing to run more than one game at once.
But as far as the game went last night, well the blunder happened first, then the game just got weird. Gabe was stuck with a large army in Greenland or Iceland, and couldn't decide which way to go with it. Mike's Greys ended up taking him out first. It handed Mike 5 cards. Unfortunately he couldn't turn them in, as Nate's Blues took him out before he got a chance to do anything with them. It looked like it was Nate's turn to win, but then before Nate could really get much use out of all his cards Cap'n Redbeard took him out. It looked like it would be an easy win for Darrel, but Mark dragged it out for another hour or so. Eventually there could only be one.
Rebeard won his second this year and third in a row.

Then we decided to play again, heck it was only 12:30.
And rebeard came out with the red armies, giving everybody a visible target.
Mike took S. America, Nate secured N. America, Gabe took Africa, and Mark started in Australia. This game was about stability. After 2 rounds 4 players had taken a continent with little resistance. The reds were staying in one massive army in Europe.
Gabe and Mike battled each other again, this time Mike left Gabe beaten up so badly that Redbeard just had to clean up and earn all of his cards. So unfortunately for Gabe he was first out both times tonight.
With 6 cards, it looked like Darrel would win this one and pull off the sweep. Not being able to turn in once again hit the person to take someone out first. Mark turned in a set and swept out Europe taking all of Darrel's cards. At least the sweep was off and the chance for 4 wins in a row was gone. Mike went on to take out Nate and we had our first Mike/Mark final in a long time.
There can be only One!!!!!
With the card control and too many armies Mark went on to finish off the game. Giving Mark his first victory in 2005.

Going out first for Gabe prompted him to make a declaration. He vows to go crazy on all of us for the next three months. And while I might take some heat off Mike for saying this, Gabe has been crazy for the last oh 30 years. HaHa I guess I'll be the first one to get his wrath.

We'll see next time,


Just wanted to say thanks to the creaters of this cite - I dont know who all was involved but good job, I hope many family members are visiting this cite - it is a great way to stay in touch... Mark just told me that Art might be coming home in Jan if anyone could post the dates that would be great. I also wanted to say congrats!!!! to all of the expecting parents......I know this has been a tough year, but Its nice to know that soon our holiday gatherings will be much like the ones we had growing up. Hopefully this generation wont break stuff like we used to (sorry gabe) Also I have some pics from christmas Im going to get to Ali so watch out for those

Later ---- Doug

January Birthdays

Happy Birthday to those family members with a birthday here in January. I believe Kaycee has a birthday coming up soon. I'm sure there are others, and I apologize for not knowing them yet. If anyone knows of other birthdays, please either email me, or just post a comment on this blog to let us know.

Happy Birthday to Jae Meneses.
Hope you have a great birthday.

A few more birthdays to pass on (thanks to Alli): Aunt Maria, Maria Grimsley, Veronica Grimsley and little Mateo Grimsley celebrates his second birthday.


Darrel Smith

AKA: Redbeard

2011 totals: 1 Game

He manages to keep winning despite the fact that people are constantly gunning for him. His quiet patient style pays off for him more often then not. . . Won the only game he played in 2008

2010: 3 games played
2009: 1 Win in 2 games played
2008: 1 Win in 1 game
2006: 2 Wins in 5 games
2005: 5 Wins in 11 games

3 LOTR Victories
1 Mission Risk Win 2009


Nate Grimsley
AKA: Dr. Bones, Natila the Hun

2011 Totals: 1 Game Played
Nate has turned into one of the more feared players. He's always going after people holding cards. He likes to play a passive style at first but has the killer instinct to finish off a game. He never goes to long without a win as you can see from his very high win percentage.

2010: 1 Win in 3 Games
2009: 1 New Risk Win
2008: 2 Games played
2007: 1 Lord of Rings Wins
2006: 2 Wins in 5 Games
2005: 5 Wins in 13 games


Gabe Meneses

AKA: Gabes Khan, Gabe of Gabonia

Gabe is known for his crazy style of play and his crazy talk during games. He invented the "pass" strategy for games where he likes to build up early and then go on a suicide run late. If he's not taken out early he's a serious threat.

2006: Played in 4 games

2005: 1 Win in 11 Games


Mike Smith
AKA: Michaelzuma, Woodville Mike

2011 totals: 1 Win in 1 Game

Mike has played in probably every game since we started keeping track here on the blog. Yet it's always hard to know what strategy he'll employ every time out. He constantly has to look out for Mark who is bent on making sure he doesn't get the win even if that means that Nate or Darrel will.

2010: Played in 3 Games
2009: Played in 1 game
2008: Played in 2 games
2006: Played in 5 games
2005: 1 Win in 16 games

2 Mission Wins


Doug Grimsley

AKA: Mahatma Dougi, Snoop

2009 totals: 1 Win in 1 game

Doug earned the first win of 2009, ending a long absence from a World domination game. When he wins he usually seems to use as many armies as possible. He always seems to have a great set up, and is capable of going on long winning streaks.

2006: Played in 2 games
2005: 1 Win in 6 games


Mark Smith

AKA: Moose, Carl Marksmith

2011 totals: 1 Game Played
He is most successful when setting up in Europe. He's an impatient player who will gut a stronger opponent if he feels they aren't being aggressive enough.

2010: 2 Wins in 3 Games
2009: 2 Games
2008: 1 Win in 2 Games
2006: 1 Win in 3 Games

2005: 2 Wins in 14 games

1 Mission Risk Win
1 New Risk Win


AKA: Alexander the Greg; The Gregulator

2011 Totals: 1 game played

Greg is starting to earn a reputation for setting a good game, being a smart player, but running into some tough luck.

2010: 1 game played
2009: 1 game played
2008: 1 game played


Arturo Meneses: AKA "little Art" AKA "The Lion Art"

2005 totals: 1 Win

Back in 2005, Art was around for a few games (exact number unknown). In September of that year he did win to become the 7th different player to take a contest. Arturo is fun to play with, you never know what will happen when you get a Mainer at the table in California.