I'm looking for ways to do more with this site. For me, it's pretty easy to post pictures all day, but I would like to more input on what people think we could do here. I've been hoping that more people from a wide representation of our family would post news here, and so far that has happened to a small extent.
What would you guys like to see here? Any features that we could add to make this site more useful? I know that there's more going on with the family than we have announced here, and basically what I would like to see is more news from everyone. If you have pictures, you don't even have to send them to me anymore, you can put them in a post by using the little picture icon, in the composing template (I don't know if this works for Mac).
Well, that's all, I just wanted people to let me know what we could do here to make this a more useful tool for our family. Please leave any suggestions in the comments, or log in and create a new post. Thanks