This picture was taken Sunday, June 26, the first of the three cousins Everett, Paxton and Connor. There will be many more such photos, as this generation increases.


I'm looking for ways to do more with this site. For me, it's pretty easy to post pictures all day, but I would like to more input on what people think we could do here. I've been hoping that more people from a wide representation of our family would post news here, and so far that has happened to a small extent.

What would you guys like to see here? Any features that we could add to make this site more useful? I know that there's more going on with the family than we have announced here, and basically what I would like to see is more news from everyone. If you have pictures, you don't even have to send them to me anymore, you can put them in a post by using the little picture icon, in the composing template (I don't know if this works for Mac).

Well, that's all, I just wanted people to let me know what we could do here to make this a more useful tool for our family. Please leave any suggestions in the comments, or log in and create a new post. Thanks

Fun, Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend in Porterville & Woodville. Maria had her baby shower, which I hear went well (sorry, I have no pictures). Later that day Cathi and I went to Woodville where Paxton was able to meet several members of his family. Grandpa Art and Carlos decided they liked him. Carlos was unable to come up with a mean nickname, so I guess you could say that went well. Later he got to meet his Aunt Elvia, Scott and Veronica, and little Mateo. Paxton wasn't really aware of all the people, as he really just slept through all the visitors.
It was nice to be home for a little while, and I'm glad Paxton got to meet more of his family.

Let us know if there is any news to report and like always I'm hoping to get more pictures from all the families so I can post them here. I would really like to get 4th of July pictures from everybody, so send me whatever you can. Okay well, take care everybody.

Maria's Baby Shower

Maria Grimsley's baby shower is this Saturday, in Porterville.
David and Maria are having a little girl, yes this family is capable of making girls.

The shower will be at 2:00. I'm sure you already knew this, but I just wanted to post it as a reminder. If you need directions you can call Elvia.

Congrats! David and Maria

Paxton Cristopher Smith

Paxton Cristopher Smith Posted by Hello

Paxton was born on June 19th, at 10:04. He measured 18 inches, and 4 lb. 11 ounces.
Cathi and baby Paxton were released from the hospital today around noon, and both are doing fine. Thanks for all the calls, flowers, and especially the visits.

my favorite picture so far Posted by Hello

Cathi and baby Paxton Posted by Hello

June Birthdays?

Okay, I need help again with this month. Who's got a birthday in June? There's some of you out there, but I can't remember who. So if you have any of the names, please pass them on here.

Happy Birthday to all who were born in June!

By the way, does anyone know if Raquel is having a boy or girl? If you do, let us know.

Also congrats are in order for Dannielle and Juan Meneses on their graduations.