Momma Grimsleys Birthday Bash

Momma Says, "Birthdays are the Devil!!!"
Momma Grimsley with some Grandchitlins, Laura, and Veronica (Lilly chillin' in moms lap) The Grimsley boys where they should be!
Ribs, Carne Asada, BBQ Chicken, and a Cook with a stick.
Dave getting the Heimlich manuver from Doug. The result was an incident not soon forgoten by Davids girlfriend Heather. The Cake!

Introducing Darth Mittens

Hey Meneseseses, Yous guys have probably been wondering wut's I've been up to, specially since some of you guys sent some sorry doggies after my crew--- well my crews about to get a lot tougher. I went to a galaxy far, far away got me a groovy space helmet from the Horse Head Nebula of the Amiro Galaxy and convinced Darth Mittens here to come backs to WoodenVilla with me to help train an unstoppable army capable of be the mostest dastardly bamboozlers ever!!

New Post

I rarely post but some times feel the need to see a new headline when i look on the page so I am simply posting to mix it up...and to comment that you guys are breaking records with your comments. I recently read all the comments on music and quarterbacks I then had a dream taht Joe montana and Brett Farve were singing Mariachi music at superbowl halftime.....only on fox!!!!

Who's Watching Us? Or . . . Conspiracy Theory??. . .

As I mentioned before I like to look at the site meter to see who's stopping by and how much traffic the blog gets, well this is what I stumbled upon today. I thought I'd pass it along. Interesting.

The Meneses SpotBy Location Visit DetailVisit 1,923

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address: 149.101.1.# (US Dept of Justice)
ISP: US Dept of Justice


North America
United States (Facts)
State: District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long: 38.9097, -77.0231
Language English (U.S.)en-us
Operating System: Microsoft WinXP
Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; DI60SP1001; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2)
Javascript: version 1.3

Resolution : 1152 x 864
Color Depth: 32 bits
Time of Visit: Feb 21 2008 1:32:49 pm
Last Page View
Feb 21 2008 1:32:49 pm
Visit Length: 0 seconds

Page Views: 1
Referring URL lives of bees%22
Search Engine
Search Words: "book list""secret lives of bees"
Visit Entry Page:
Visit Exit Page:

Family Directory

Thanks to Nathan's idea, I've put up a site for the family directory. There is a new link in the sidebar to take you there. Right now it's basically a blank page, but soon I'm hoping we'll have information out there. Now the website will require you to log in with an author's name. This can either be the Meneses log-in or you can have your own. I sent out quite a few invites and if I get more email adresses I'll send more.
What I'd like to know is how we would like the info presented. We could either put the info into one big post, much like (and probably using most info from) the directory that Susan puts together and mails out. The other thing that we could do would be to have people submit their own information as posts.
One more option would be to have separate categories for addresses, emails, myspaces/online photo albums, etc.

So keep posting ideas for how this might work best. One good thing about everyone having to log-in to this site is that you'll also have the abilitiy to edit posts or any other aspects of the site, so if there's something you want added or removed it should be easy to do.

Any Ideas??

Every once in a while I like to ask people if they have ideas to improve the blog. Is there something that we can do to make this site better, more functional, or more entertaining? I like to check out the site meter at the bottom of the page, so I can see that traffic here has been increasing over the past few months so I just wonder what would you like to see change on the blog? Are there any features that you would like to see added?

Also, just a reminder that Easter is earlier this year. We are now at about 5 weeks until Easter Sunday. Are there any big plans this year??? If so please let us know here, or at least post pictures when the big day arrives.