Memorial Day

How's everyone doing out there? I just wanted to survey what people were doing on Memorial Day. For some reason I don't have to work that day, it's the first time I can remember having the day off. So what do normal people do on this day? The weather out here should be great that day so I'm thinking BBQ maybe. Well, let us know what you're up to.

Shameless plug number 483 -- I restored a picture taken of the old walkway at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and added it to the Meneses Shop in a few items.

We are Blessed

We can't thank everyone enough for taking time out of their Sunday to enjoy our home and yard with us. We were excited and pleased to share this day with you.

Love, Elias and Susan

Official Update

Hell Meneses Clan!

This is Little Art. I want to let you know that I am officially done with graduate school, and my new name is now:

Arturo T. Meneses, M.Ed. (Don't worry, I will only pull that one out when I am losing an argument!)

Second of all, to celebrate my graduation from grad school, my apendix decided it needed to come out. Luckily the doctors found it in time, and had it removed. I am now at home recovering with the support of loving friends and colleagues.

I hope all is well!


Little Art

Cinco De Mayo dance

Connor got to perform at his school on Friday for a Cinco De Mayo dance. The first dance they did was called "La Baila de los Viejitos". Or the dance of the little old men. It was really cute. All the kindergarden boys wore masks and walked with canes. Then he got to dance one more time with a cute little girl.
Here are a couple of pics. Hope to see some Mother's Day Pics soon too!

Just a Note

Hello all out there. I saw Art's message on the tagboard, and wanted to say congratulations. What are you going to be doing now?? I also wanted to let anyone and everyone know that they can be invited to become authors on the blog or they can use the Meneses log-in. I did send an invite to Art today. If anyone needs help posting or has questions about the blog let me know.

Also what are the thoughts about a Dodger-Giant (Giant-Dodger, whatever makes you happy) game in September??


I just can't take this officer Scraps and his crew of bandits anymore!!! I am now making my family consume all cats on site. I suggest you all follow suite and end the madness!!!