Fish report

so I dont bore anyone who isnt interested you can find the report in the comments section


Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for attending the wedding. It was such a special day for the both of us and I can't tell you how much you guys being there meant to us. If you would like picture's let me know. And please send me picture you took at the wedding (I will send you a replacement disc). Also, I am looking for the picture of me pulling John's hair.

The Random Question of the Month

I thought it's been so long that somebody would randomly post the random question this month, but that hasn't happened yet. So here it is, my apology to those who aren't sports fanatics, but I know plenty of you out there are.

Who is your All-Time favorite Athlete?

Nates First Fab Five Limit of the Season

Hey if you were a mobster Fish and you wanted to threaten another fish, what would you say that would be the equivalent to, "hey you want to be swimming with the fishes?"

Just Because

I meant to post this like a year ago, I just happened to forget. But I came across it and thought that it was blog material. So here's to you!

Not So Random Question of the Month

This one is a two-parter since the timing is a little late.

1. What are you doing for Mothers' Day?
2. Do you have any big summer plans?