A Visitor From Alaska

Yesterday a package from Alaska arrived. This was sent from Uncle Benny to it's new warm California home.


Here's my first fishing picture of the year. It took two attempts, and fishing in the rain, but finally I found some luck. With any more luck I'll have a picture of Pax with fish in the weeks to come.

Random Question

Although I'm not the official 'Random Questioner' I thought I'd ask one just to see some movement on the blog...

In the true spirit of "Random" question...

#1. What's the one thing you couldn't live without?

In the spirit of not so random question (and it being April)...

#2. What are you're Easter plans?

Fishing Report

Good news fisherman, check out this stocking report from the DFG.  Looks like Tulare County is finally getting some trout plants! Good luck to you, it's time to see some fishing pictures back on the blog.