Totally not Random Question

Thanksgiving is next Thursday, and that means it's time to think about what we are thankful for. Everyone is invited to answer something that they are thankful for this year. I hope that everyone throughout the family has a nice thanksgiving and remembers that in spite of anything and everything that may be wrong in this world, there is always something to be thankful for.

Holiday Plans

Is it too early to be thinking about holiday plans for this winter? I'm sure it has begun to cross minds of many out there. Last year was lots of fun with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus showing up on Christmas Eve. What's going on with the folks back East and down South? If we can't see each other in person it would be cool to get some video messages up here.

Easy Rider?

Little known fact: Several years ago Sunnyside School issued a calendar of their teachers. Darrel Smith was Mr. November, with the title "Rock N Roll Teacher". Here a pattern continues. He now wants to be called Rocknrolla Grandpa Darrel. True Story.

Allison Eve

It occurs to me that this blog has been lacking something--praise and adulation for a wonderful person, Allison Eve Smith Craven. I will try to make up for this flaw in this post. Alli, (isn't that the coolest, most original nickname you ever heard of?) is by far our favorite child. She is the one that we depend on most of all to fill our days and nights with companionship. Alli is wise, so wise. She constantly makes wise remarks. Really, there is no stopping her. Alli is a great parent, too. I did a much worse job of raising my kids than Allison is doing with her three kids. Also, there is her musical talent and her musical taste. Did you know she owns a CD with songs that all have the name "Allison" in the title. What Barack Obama said of himself is also true of Allison: her greatest strength is her humility. There now, I feel much better about this blog and about everything. Darrel


I'm looking for addresses for Benjamine Meseses, Rudy and Raquel Guerreo, Danelle and Kevin Tyner (Meneses), and Amanda. Please call or email me if you have them.

Thanks, Susan

Random Question of the Month

Here it is for November, the random question. It's a two-parter so think about it before you answer.

If you were a super hero (real or fictional) who would you be? And which family member would be your sidekick?