Certified To Dive the World!

Finally finished my Scuba Diving Course :) The Certification Pose!
Grouped and ready to dive! Thought black and white was kinda cool. Right off the steps already about 35 feet deep.

Into the Blue!

Casino Point! We dive on the other side of the old casino (which is now a museum)

Typical Catalina Sunsets.

Annalyn's First Birthday

Here's some great pictures from Brian and little Annalyn on her first birthday.
Sorry it took so long to get them posted.

Revenge on the Swine Flu!!!

We've been pretty bored the last few days, but Jim at least took his revenge on the swine flu in the most delicious way possible.


here are some pictures of david and breas soccer game! David scored a goal! and brea played her first organized sport ever! she loved it!

Risk Turns 50

Who knew? Apparently Risk was created back in 1959 and Winning Moves is celebrating by introducing a retro game set.
check it out
Just thought it was cool because we were talking about last night.

click here to go to D&H photography!

This picture was taken in August
while we were in venture! i really
liked the look of the down town area.
i just finished messing with it in
photoshop. i hope you like it. David G.

click here to go to D&H photography!

this grass hopper was
captured a couple of
weeks ago, in our garden.
he became little davids
pet before for a litter while.

Relay For Life Today!

Sorry for the late notice!
Darrel's relay for life event is tomorrow. He will be doing the survivors lap at 9am at the COS track in Visalia. If you want to come out to support him, you might want to get there a little early to find parking. If you're really adventurous (or an insomniac) you can come cheer Connie AND Darrel on as the walk between 1am and 2am in the morning.

This is a pic from last year.

A New Addition!!!!

Elias and I are having a baby! As of today we are expecting the bundle of joy on April 28th. However, all you parents know it will change at least once.

Senior Moment

A bet has been settled

I just checked out Facebook and saw somebody's announcement over there. For those of you who don't know yet, I won't name any names. I think they should add their own announcement here. However, I'll just say Congrats and I knew it was coming.

pictures from D&Hphotography

i havent posted on here
before! so i thought my
first post would be pictures
i have taken.