It's that time of year again!

Cathi and I took the kids out to find their victims today.
The trip started out so peacefully

Paxton calmly sought out the perfect cucurbita.
Reese couldn't withhold her glee.

And here they are so unsuspecting.
If only they knew what the future has in store.

November Challenge

This is the result of me being giving in to curiosity. I was just wondering what today marked, because it's always a national day of. . . fill in the blank. The nice thing is that a website has done the work to create a calendar of all these events so we can observe them. So the challenge is to get someone to observe every one of these events on their corresponding day next month.
Just for example, the first day of November is All Saints Day; the second is All Soul's Day and Looking for Circles day. Good luck to anyone who wants to try it out. Keep us updated.

Here's the link for the calendar

The Book List updated

So I thought with the cold days of winter coming up people may be more inclined to stay in and read. With that in mind I thought I would post another link to the Book List. I meant to change the sidebar link back in February and forgot, but now I went ahead and did it. Share your recommendations and opinions on books here on the list.

I'll try to put together an updated list with any recommendation, but I'll warn you it may take me another 8 months to do so.

Happy Reading

10000 Visits
In the next few days the Meneses Spot should reach a landmark. We are quickly approaching 10000 site visits!! (we started counting a little over 2 years ago) Traffic has been very consistent and we have been lucky to be getting contributions from all over the place. Next month will mark the 5 year anniversary of the blog, thanks to everyone who has kept it going.

The Random Question of the Month

If you had to move out of state, but could pick anywhere in the U.S., where would you go??

Not so Random Question of the Month

Here's my advance request for photos. And an easy not-so-random question.

What are you going to be for Halloween??

Art in Taiwan

Alot of people have seen the pictures that Art has been posting on facebook. For those of you who have missed them, I decided to post a couple of them here. He's got tons of pictures in his online album so check out his facebook page for more.