Semi-Random Question of the Month

Here it is, last day of the month!  The question will not live up to the anticipation that led up to it, but this is what I came up with.

If you were given an award this year, what award would it be 
and why would you be receiving it?

Christmas Pictures

Hey Everybody!  I'm looking for Christmas pictures to put up here on the blog.  Unfortunately, my USB cable is somewhere with my camcorder (hopefully Terra Bella).  Anyway, since I can't access my photos just yet I would appreciate if anyone would email me photos.  Otherwise I'll scour everyone's facebook pages and steal some that way.  Also I believe Greg and John are working on the video, that should be cool to see.
Happy New Year everybody!
Oh yeah, East Coasters send me pics too!  Or post them yourself either way we would love to see them here.

DVD/CD Exchange

We are planning on having the usual game/exchange at Aunt Elvia's house on christmas eve. Anyone who wants to participate needs to bring a wrapped DVD or CD to play. And no Doug, you cannot bring killer clowns from outerspace back!!! See you all there, and don't forget, Mrs and Mr Claus are planning their appearance for 8 o'clock.

Not So Random Question of the Month

We haven't had a random question of the month for December yet, I thought somebody would post one by now.  I, personally, hadn't been able to think of one in the small amount of time I've been online.  However, it was easy to think up this not so random, not so original question:

What is one of your favorite Christmas memories?

PreSchool Christmas Program

jack and sofia enjoyed a night on the stage for their christmas program. Who would've guessed that Jack would be the best behaved? Sofia made an adorable angel, and Jack was a suberb sheperd. Enjoy!

Ladies, reminder

Hello just a reminder that all the ladies are invited in to the Mother/Daughter Christmas Tea this Sunday (the 13th), 3 pm at Connie's. Please give her a call if you are able to come!

December Question

It's a little bit cold in December for many of our favorite activities.  I mean it's hard to go up to the river to fish when there's snow on the road, I guess we could start ice fishing.  With that in mind, I thought I'd ask people what is their favorite December activity?  Indoors or Outdoors?