Random Question of July

If you could be any SuperHero, who would it be, and who do your imagine your archnemisis, Ron, would be?

Issac's Blog

Susan recently started a blog for little Issac.  You should check it out at issacelias.blogspot.com

i'll add a link to the sidebar as soon as I get to a computer.

she has some great pictures posted that I know you'll enjoy checking out

Sports Post

We're getting into a slower period for sports right now.  Football is off in the distance.  Basketball and Hockey just ended.  The World Cup is soccer.  There's Wimbledon, where Greg will once again try to hoist a large platter to proclaim his dominance of grass.  And Baseball is mid-season. 

With not all that much going on, I thought I would post a favorite team/player post.  Dodgers/Giants aside, there are probably some interesting favorite teams out there, and here's an opportunity to post them in the comment section. 

Sometimes we don't need a reason

First off, Happy 15th Birthday to Quartnie!  (driving soon :[) )
Next, Happy Father's day (a little late) to all the many father's out there connected to this family. 

Then, I also want to put a few folks on the spot.  It's been way too long since we had an update from back East.  So, Danielle, Uncle Art & Aunt Liz, we want to see something posted from you guys here.  Do you have any great pictures or news from home that we'd like to know about here?? 

I also have to pass along a KUDOS to whoever posted the snakes on a plane flyer.  Beside the fact that it was quite funny, it also reminds us that there is really no standard to what can be posted here.  If you go back through the archives you'll see that we've had some strange posts, and I think that's a good thing. 

keep 'em coming!

Random Question of the Month

If you were one of Uncle Ron's cats,
would you want to have 9 lives?
. . . and that's why we have random questions on the blog

More Mi-Wuk Pictures

One pic of the kids sitting outside our rented cabin, the rest of the pictures were taken at Colombia State Park.

Mi-Wuk Camping

We had a good time camping up in Mi-Wuk village.  Here's a picture of Reese and Paxton at Railtown in Jamestown.  There's a also a picture of my dad who apparently can still outfish me.

More photos to come later.

August Birthday Bash

It's still a while away, but since my mom put this out there I thought I would start a thread where people can find info or post ideas for the August birthday bash.  Apparently it's going to be on a Sunday in Woodville, so you'll want to bring swimming gear.  Should be lots of fun.  So if you have any news or suggestions post them here. . . see you all there!