The Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest!

Chris' Winning Pumpkin
Who is this Masked Woman?
Mark's Winning Pumpkin

Mike's Winning Pumpkin
The Whole Collection

Halloween Question

1. What's your favorite Halloween candy?

2. What's the best costume you ever wore?

If you can find any old pictures of halloween costumes you should put them up here


I wanted to share an important link with people.  Juan started a Movember team and is trying to raise some money for this great cause.  Movember encourages men to grow a  moustache throughout the month of November to raise awareness about, and fight against Prostate cancer.  Take a couple minutes to visit his page by clicking the above link and think about donating while you're there. 

Save the Date

Ladies, please save the date for the Mother/Daughter luncheon.
Sunday December 19th.

Random Question of the Month

For October I decided to mix it up a little bit.  This will be somewhat random and somewhat no-so-random?
Either way, give us your answers and have a great month.

What are you or your kids going to be for Halloween this year?

What do you think about Google's self driving cars?

What was the last thing that made you laugh really hard?

Oh Babies!!

I just wanted to post an update here about two babies that the family is expecting early next year.  David and Heather are expecting a baby girl.  Danielle and Kevin are expecting their first -- a boy!  Danielle and Kevin have already picked out a name, but I haven't heard if the Grimsley's have chosen one yet.  If you need help picking out names you can always ask me for suggestions.  I'm also very good at ruining perfectly good names that people pick out for their children, just in case one of you comes up with a name the other doesn't like. 

Also don't forget Dodger can be a girls name or a boys name.

Does this count as fishing? :) My first Lobster!

Went straight to Mommas Plate!

Hating the Evil Empire

The East Meneses are bumming because we just saw the FREAKING Yankees win in the tenth inng, but they have to play again in twenty minutes. May the evil empire lose and have to play Texas in the paly offs.