Officer Scraps Is Out Of Control!!

Clearly Officer Scraps is out of control! Mexicali officials say that 3 cats were found killed outside of the Gato Malo Saloon Friday morning in Baja, Mexico. Above is a picture of one of the victims ( in white ). He was beaten to death with the very beer bottles that Scraps consumed minutes before the violent act occurred. In a mad rage over dropping his cigarettes at the scene of the crime, Scraps took out his frustration on an innocent bystander house cat by shaving his body bald and making him chase his own tale. He then took another victim hostage. Scraps has been torturing this new victim and sending in pictures of these events to local authorities to antagonize and frustrate them. In this most recent picture you can see that Scraps has shaved his victim and has forced him to play musical instruments for him. Officer Scraps must be found!

Nazarene Night at Dodger Stadium 2007

OK, So not all of you are Nazarene's, but you don't have to be one to go. Last year a group of us went and we had a good time, so I wanted to let all of you know that it's coming up again. Here's the info..... When: Friday August 3rd at 7:00 Who: Dodgers vs. Diamonbacks Cost: Ticket are 8 dollars and are in the Upper Deck (those who went last year should be relieved that they will not have to sit in the bleachers again) If you want to go let me know as soon as possible... call me on my cell or send me an email. It was a lot of fun last year, and I hope some of you will come!

Updated Book List

So here's a new rundown with every book ever recommended here at the Meneses Spot.
Scroll down to see the most recent. Alli had an idea to do a book swap at AugustFest. Bring a book or 2 and take a book or 2. How's that, then let us know what you thought right here.

"Bless Me Ultima" - Rudolfo Anaya
"Che Guevara, A Revolutionary Life" - Jon Lee Anderson
"In Cold Blood" - Truman Capote
"A tale of Two Cities" - Charles Dickens
"The Truth" - Al Franken
"Memoirs of a Geisha" - Arthur Golden
"Travel's with my Aunt" - Graham Greene
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in Night-Time" - Mark Haddon
"A Prayer For Owen Meany" -John Irving
"A Widow For a Year" - John Irving
"The Known World" - Edmund Jones
"The Poisonwood Bible" - Barbara Kingsolver
"I Know This Much is True" - Wally Lamb
"Wicked" - Gregory Maguire
"100 Years of Solitude" (and many others) - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"1984" - George Orwell
"I wish I'd Made You Angry Earlier" - Max F. Perutz
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" - Mark Twain
"The Secret Lives of Bees" - Sue Monk Kidd
"Call of the Wild" - Jack London
The "Lemony Snicket" Series
"___, Drugs, and COcoa Puffs" - Chuck Klosterman
"chick books" by Cecilia Ahern
"Amongst Women" - John McGahern
"Hope Dies Last" - Studs Terkel
"My Sister's Keeper" - Jodi Picoult
"This Present Darkness" and "Piercing the Darkness" by Frank Peretti
"Until I Find You" - John Irving
"Irresistable Revolution" - Shane Coltrane

As Always Keep 'em coming. . .

Blackstone has a Run - In with Officer Scraps

The sad tale of Officer Scraps took another turn last night. Scraps hopped into the Koontz' yard while looking for a place to hide out. Blackstone tried to apprehend him, hoping that a reward of a new doggie bone would be presented to him for bringing down Bakersfield's most notorious cat. After a brief struggle, Scraps managed to elude Blackstone by kicking a soccer ball high in the air. In the violent exchange Blackstone suffered a severe lacerationto above one of his rear paws, but is said to be in stable condition.
The whereabouts of scraps continue to be unknown.

Rons cat hits hard times

It had been 3 months since we saw Ron's second oldest cat, Officer Scraps. It was his huge blow up argument with Ron, over spilled kitty litter that led to his running away. Scraps had always been a troubled cat who often times turned to criminal activity as an outlet to his inner cat-rage. He had also had a troubled and angry past, violent in nature. It wasn't rare for him to play mean tricks on the other cats like, hide their socks, or dress up like a big mouse and hide behind the couch ready to pounce, or put their paws in a bowl of warm water when they slept to make them wet their kitty beds. It was a whirlwind cycle, a downward spiral, which he never recovered from. The whereabouts of Scraps had been unknown since his runaway.........until today when i opened up the Bakersfield paper and saw a wanted picture for this cat ; OFFICER SCRAPS, Ron's runaway cat. If anyone sees Scraps approach him with caution, he should be considered armed and dangerous. He is wanted for the murder of 4 unsuspecting men that he brutally attacked in the parking lot of a seedy strip joint. Do not try to apprehend Scraps to bring back to Ron, or you might become his next victim!

UPDATE: I was looking through some old photos and found a baby picture of scraps. . .

Laura and Nates Dog

Hey everyone Laura and I wanted to add a picture of the most vicious dog in woodville! We couldn't give this crazy dog away so we decided to keep him and turn him into the crazy killing machine he is today! SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FLEA. He can also go undercover as you can clearly see by his super awsome disguise!

Jae's Graduation!

Congratulations Jae. Hope you have a nice summer before you to start school all over again.

Hey family, it's danielle

Sorry it's been so long since i last wrote!!! There has been a lot going on in the meneses-teiner household, First i would love to send congrats to kevin he recently graduated from st. joe's on may 12th, i'm very proud of him. We also just moved into a new apartment, but i guess the biggest news is the wedding!!! We decided in december to move the date up and scale back from our orginal idea, because our goal is to buy a house soon and we didn't want to spend 20,000 on our wedding, so we moved location, changed the theme and we couldn't be happier!!! Instead of getting married at a country club we are now getting married on a mountain, it is so beautiful up there, it's perfect!!! I know this is short notice and understand you guys probably cannot make it, but you will be missed and i wish that all of you could come, put there will be plenty pictures (we know how my dad loves to take pictures) Kevin and I created a website for out wedding, so please feel free to check it out the address is: I hope to hear from you soon and now that i'm settled in my new place there will be a lot more posts! I also have a new email address if anyone wants it, it is
I miss and love you all so much!