Christmas Eve

My apologies to one and all, since we normally celebrate on Christmas Eve I took it for grant it that we would just continue with the tradition. So yes, you are all invited to come and celebrate Christmas Eve, December 24, 2009 at my house.(Elvia Grimsley, 16284 Ave 172, Tulare CA)
That's 1/2 north and 1/2 west of Woodville(559-784-2747) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Time is not set in stone and we are very flexible so relax and just come and enjoy each other.

Pot luck please, South of the Boarder sound good, but I thought we could all just bring simple food. We have all changed our eating habits and there is always so much left there is never room in my refrigerator. I don't know if there will be tamales, but I'll make salsa for them. Here's a list; Appetizer, Vegetable tray, Fruit tray, Chips & dips, Chicken wings, (we'll put salsa and make them Mexican), Egg rolls, (add salsa and they come from South of the Boarder) Christmas Cookies, Christmas candy etc. I hope you get the idea. I'll provide coffee, tea, and water if you want sodas you can bring what you want and take home what's left. I'll have paper plates, napkins, plastic utensils. Susan do you need pickles and ice cream? Let me know I'll make sure to have some on hand:) If you have any question call and let me know. Also I'll see if Santa and Mrs. can come between 7:30-8:00p.m. Elvia

Keeping in Meneses Tradition

It seems we will be keeping with what seems a growing tradition. Our first will be a BOY!!!

Elias and Susan

Happy Thanksgiving Thread

Hey everybody, just in case you wanted to send Thanksgiving holiday wishes, or share what you're thankful for I thought I'd post a little blurb here. I hope you all enjoy your holiday. Eat lots of good food and drive safely. I'm also hoping to get a picture of Susan's pecan pie.
I'm thankful to everyone out there who have kept visiting and sharing here on the Meneses blog for 5 years now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

First Cafe Press Update

Alli asked for it, so I went out and added a new design to the Meneses Spot Shop. It's also available on t-shirts of different colors and sizes. I'm working on a couple of different ones to add in time for Christmas. Hope you enjoy 'em and I'm always open to suggestions.
Alli, hurry up and make that CD for Doug!!

What you would see diving with me at the point!

So heres a bunch of stuff that you would see if you were to go diving with me at the casino point! Huge schools of fish in kelp bed that reach to the surface. Lobsters hiding in cracks or crawling out in the open at night (which was a fun diving experience for me). Scenic shots of fish swimming above the kelp by the surface. Sea bass swimming all over the place. They love to come right up to you and give you a look. You would also see larger fish swimming around. Sea bass can get about as big as a v.w. bug. sorry for taking up so much room with these pics but i hope you enjoy them!

Advanced Dive Certification Weekend! Enjoy some pics of my weekend!

1. Kelly a disabled Vet is a great diver!
2. Spence my dive instructor in the wet suit with Jason a fellow Advanced dive student.
3. The Dive Steps filled with a the typical long line of divers.
4. Casino Point about an hour before our night dive. It got super dark.
5. The walk to Casino Point. It was nice all weekend long!

Another question.

With the upcoming holiday season I thought Id ask this question..... Do you enjoy or stress over the holidays??


Personal Invition from Mr and Mrs Santa

To all far and near who are members of the famliy Meneses.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus cordally invite you to spend an evening at the
Grimsley home durning Christmas.
Time and date need to be decieded and what ever you chose to stuff
yourself with (food!).

Maybe some food from South of the Border.

The Santas themselves will make a personal apperance and will be more than glad to give
autographs and take pictures. (They are not at all humble). Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad to all you dudes and dudetts.

The Random Question of the Month

In honor of November 22, Start Your Own Country Day:

If you started your own country what would it be like
and what would you name it?

Scrappy Halloween

Heres my halloween costume. I had fun stealing bags of candies from little kids all over Woodville and Shafter. The best part was replacing their candy with bags of walnuts. hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
--Officer Scraps

Pumpkin Carving Contest

Warning!! The video you are about to watch may be disturbing. Some of it was shot by a four year old, the rest of it was edited by his dad late at night. Watch at your own risk.