More Pictures

Here's a few of the pictures I had from Christmas, it's only a month late. 
Abram, Brea, and Sawyer had a good visit with Santa Claus
Reese and Grandma Connie

Greg was working on documentary footage with Doug.

Here's the guy responsible for making the family look good in photos.  
Dave needs none of my help to look good right here.

It's Available

Doug and I were browsing yesterday and happened to find something very interesting. I figured I would post a link just in case.

The Coffee Song (in case you missed it)

This should go on a little poster, or a coffee mug!

Part Deux! I haven't heard this in person yet, but I imagine it being sung ala Jack Black in Nacho Libre:

There’s no more coffee, there’s only tea
There’s no more coffee, you better flee!
Without my coffee, I wear a frown
Let’s stop at Starbucks, on the way downtown
Without the coffee, there would be no Starbucks
And on the east coast, no more Dunkin’ Donuts
No Tazzaria, Maverick’s or 210
We’ll only sleep, lay down like sheep
Not stand like men!

There’s no more coffee, there’s only tea
Let’s get some coffee, while we still can see
The Mister Coffee is all set to brew
I’ll take mine black, half-and half for you
I’ll take mine black, half-and half for you

Late Pictures

Here's a picture of Reese on her 2nd birthday.
I've got a few more from Christmas that I'll try to add soon.


I thought it would be fun to put this back on the front page, it was originally posted in June. I think Nate put it up.

Are you ready for some football? The new season is about to start so lets here some predictions! who's going to win the AFC? Who's going to win the NFC? Who's making the playoffs? Who's going to the Super Bowl? Who's winning the Super Bowl? Where is Plaxico going to play? Where's Vick going? Is Favre going to the Vikings? Let us know what you think is going to happen this year and when it's all done well come back to see who's predictions were the best!!
Hope you all Enjoy these pictures of my day of Skydiving!

Striking a pose for my first jump!

Were going to be jumping from how high now?

About to flip out of a perfectly good airoplane


Not even finished with my first jump and I'm ready to go again. Skydiving was great! Going again in May possibly if anyone is interested.

Any Good Music Lately

It's been quite some time since we've done this. Last time we got lots of feedback, so I thought it would be a good idea to do it again. What music have you been listening to lately? Anyone that you would like to recommend? Post any suggestions in the comments or add a link by editing this post. I'll get it started with a few suggestions of my own.

Cage the Elephant is a rock band you may have heard on the radio recently.
Ray Lamontagne is the opposite end of the spectrum.
The Kooks is another one that I like.
7 Worlds Collide has a cool song called "Hazel Black", as well as others
Alli would be mad if I left off our mutual favorite The Ting Tings
Greg suggests The Shins and their song "New Slang"
So far I like what I've heard from the newest Pearl Jam album
Here's a video to song by Marit Larsen
So that's a start. Check them out, give your feedback and be sure to add your own. It's always fun to get an idea what people are listening to.

Liz and Larry!

Congratulations to Aunt Liz!!  She and Larry got married!  Best wishes to both of you.  
Hopefully we can get some pictures of the happy couple tying the knot.