Dodger Game

I sent out a text to some of you, but want to make sure EVERYONE knows, Nazarene Night at Dodger stadium is August 20th. It's Dodgers vs Reds, so a great opportunity to watch Ron's team lose. Anyone interested in going, please contact Alli. Tickets are $14 and the money is due THIS Sunday! The more of us who can go, the more fun it should be. Hope to hear from a lot of you! (BTW, you don't have to be Nazarene to join in the fun, any of you Baptists, Methodists, Non-denominationalists....whatever!)

Bears in a Beamer!!

Okay, I should have tried to find a photoshopped version with Samuel L. Jackson in it, but this picture is real.  It would not be funny if this was your car, but this I had to laugh when I saw this story and thought of our crazy blog.  Here's the story

Back in Mississippi

Aunt Liz sent me the following message, and I thought I would share it here. 

Here's what's going on in my part of the world. I've attached some pictures of Rachel's cakes that she and I have been making for friends. It's a fun thing we like to do and it gives us some Mom and Daughter time. Rachel is starting her second year at Pearl River Community College and is doing great.

Megan is also starting her second year at PRCC and has moved back home. ( She likes her Momma's cooking) She planning on starting the Nursing Program next spring. She currently is in Atlanta watching her Braves.

Andrea is living in Indiana with her grandmother.  (Andrea's grandfather from her dad's side passed away last week so we should also keep her family in our prayers)

Larry and I just passed through a difficult time. His Mom passed away on July 2, she was a beautiful 91 year old woman that had a wonderful sense oh humor. She will be miss but she is now with her husband James and is in a better place. Larry's parent were married for 69 years.
Larry will be home from China next week. We plan to go to Destin Florida soon to meet up with Brian and his daughter.

I'll send you some additonal photo's for the blog and let everyone know that I miss you all and think about you all the time.

PS Susan made me feel very special by sending me a package with some Hot Lixx suckers!

... We'll look forward to more pictures soon.  Thanks for the update.  (I wasn't able to view the pictures that Aunt Liz attached so I just stole one that I liked)

A Cousin's BBQ

So the first one of our cousin bbq's went so well that we couldn't wait til next year to make this an annual thing.  July 31st, Susan will be hosting a cousin's bbq at her place.  It should be a great time with great food.  She sent out invites on facebook but wanted to also get this out here, just to make sure people know about it.  The get together will be in the afternoon from 3-6.  Give Susan a call, email, facebook message, or text to let her know if you're coming and what you are volunteering to bring. 

I just received a copy of Mom & Dad's wedding picture from one of our cousins. She came across it and thought one of us should have it ( I love Facebook).

Any way, I was wondering do you all know that I have mom's wedding dress? Mom brought it to me many, may years ago. Her family was keeping it for her and it was damaged in a flood.

The dress is no longer white, but a soft yellow. It also has several water stains. For a short time we considered having it reconstructed for Susan's wedding. The only reason we did not, is that once Susan actually saw it, it occurred to her that it was not at all reflective of her personality. Mind you it was made in the 1950's.

The dress is in dire need of a good cleaning and some serious repair. Maybe some day I'll make the investment and restore the dress, but it will be expensive and I just can't manage it at this time. But, if any one else would be interested in handling this undertaking, please feel free to do so. The way I see it, the dress belongs to the family, all of the family.

Loving you all,

Aunt Maria

A Day At Catalina - A Day Of Diving

An Awesome Picture Of The Boat From Our Ascent Point

The Divers Lift. This Is How We Get Back On The Boat With All Our Gear

Me Fighting The Crab. It Won

Hello From 45 Feet Below And On My Way Down.

Me Picking Up The Horn Shark For Just One Second lol. Another Ascent Point View.
The Fire Works Were Lit Over This Bay. Looked Fantastic.

Dive Into My World

Watching USC partial band at the Casino Point fourth of July BBQ. They were pretty amazing live!
Me in my red fins chasing my friend and dive master Steve Oneal to see the monster Sea Bass

Hard to make out but this was a very friendly California Seal. The most agile animal I have ever seen!

Me and the HUGE lol Horn Shark that I caught at Ship Rock

One of the famous Sea Bass that we ran into on our first dive! Amazing! These things get as big as a VW bug easily. This one was probably about 300 pounds. Way bigger than us.

The Adventures of LemonPants!

In uncertain times, the country needs a hero. Until now, people have had no one to turn to help them with their troubles. Gone are the times when you put out a spotlight and Batman would come to the rescue. Phone booths have been removed from city streets, leaving Superman unable make the transition from Clark Kent. But now, in the form of the most unlikely candidate, is a new hero. His name is LemonPants! By day he is just a regular egg. But whenever someone needs rescue, he puts on his lemonpants and saves the day.
"LemonPants to the rescue!"

Oh me too! me too!

Were all going to have to go together next time! :)

A successful fishing outing

My dad was kind enough to send me this photo, even though I was not sent an invite.  I suppose they didn't want to take the chance of acquiring my bad luck.
He got three!
He got two!
What the . . . ?? She got four!