
Doug and I were talking about Easter, and wondering if anybody had plans whether they be in Bakersfield, Woodville or wherever. Easter Sunday this year is March 27. So it's just over four weeks away. Well if anyone knows what is going on feel free to share it here. Otherwise I think fishing and BBQ may be in order.

By the way I sent out some emails to become contributing members of this blog. If you want to become a contributor with your own username and didn't get an email let me know. I'm trying to get more members of the family involved. Thanks to everyone who has posted or sent me an email to post here.


Group Emails

I sent a mass email to everyone I had on my list about an idea from Nate. Hopefully everybody recieved one. If you didn't I either don't have your address, or you have some time of spam filter that would block it. So check your spam email folder just in case. I don't want to get into specifics here about the email so if you didn't get it you can contact me or Nate to find out what he wants to do.
Let me know if you didn't recieve anything, because I'm still lacking some email addresses and would like to add more to my list.

Happy Birthday Dr. Bones

Happy Birthday Man! Nate Grimsley notches another year today.
If you're reading this than I hope to tell you that I have my fishing license now so I can try to catch up to you this year. How many do you have so far this year? Take it easy Nate, hope you enjoy your B-Day.

Baby Shower for Lisa Meneses

In case you haven't heard, or need an update, we are going to throw a shower for Lisa. All of the Meneses ladies are invited to attend and we hope you'll be there. The info is as follows:
Monday February 21st, President's Day
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Connie's house
We're going to have a nice dinner together to celbrate Lisa and Gabe's upcoming edition.
For gift ideas, Lisa and Gabe don't really need any clothes thanks to generous friends and Josh's extensive wardrobe. What they do need are diapers in all sizes, Lisa prefers to use HUGGIES and Josh is in a size six right now. They would also appreciate gift cards to places like Target, WalMart or SaveMart.
Another great thing you could do for them, and we hope you will, is to offer to bring over a frozen dinner, or a hot meal after the baby is born so that Lisa and Gabe can spend more time taking care of eachother and their children.
Please RSVP to Allison or Caroline, or you can respond right here on the blog. Take care everyone! See you there!

Happy Birthday Elvia Grimsley

Today is Aunt Elvia's Birthday. It's always the easiest day for me to remember. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your day. Take care Aunt Elvia, see you soon.

Here's a great picture of Josh and Grandma Rachel. Posted by Hello

Cathi and I just found out Wednesday morning that we'll be having a Boy! Come on, what else could it have been? Posted by Hello

Congrats to the Grimsleys!

I hear that Veronica and Scott Grimsley are also expecting a second baby this year. Alli told me that Veronica is due in the beginning of October. Well that's great news, what a year!

Congratulations Scott and Veronica! Good luck with the new addition. The holidays should be very cheerful and . . . well, noisy this year.

Work Day Success

Thanks to everybody who came out and helped out at Grandpa's House on Saturday. Everything went pretty well. Most of the backyard is cleared out so Grandpa can grow a garden or do whatever he wants to do back there. Jim Koontz came all the way down from Turlock and Ron, John, and Jae came up from Shafter. Gabe managed to bring out a trailer that we could load with lots of doors and wood, and later a ton of cement blocks.
I think we got up about 48 feet of fence, so one side is just about all fenced off. Sooner or later we're going to have to do the other side. We also removed the big almond tree from the backyard. Thankfully nobody and nothing was damaged when that came down. While there is still more that can be done, I'd have to say the day was a success. BBQ was a good lunch that almost ended the day before we finished up by hauling off a trailer load of cement off. So I'd assume we were all sore today, but it was worth it to get everything done.

Patter of little Feet

Hi, Everyone.
Well, it is almost Valentine's Day and there is certainly a lot of love in the air. Today we got a great Valentine card signed We love you, Rudy, Raquel, Daniella and (cute pair of little baby feet). Yup, it's true. There will be another little one joining the family in July. If you have a chance, call and congratulate Rudy and Raquel. They are hoping to come down our way in a couple of weeks. Also, Carlos passed his cooking test yesterday, and no the house did not catch on fire. He also got his first progress report. He is doing really well. Thanks to all the prayers.

Work Day & BBQ

I talked with Dad and he would like to reclaim his backyard from the left over construction material and junk that is back there as well as finish putting up the fence. I was wondering we could find a consensus on a Saturday that soon that everyBODY could meet to get it all done in one day and hall everything to the dump. Then BBQ efter we were done . I understand work scheduals need to be considered but even if you could come out after work any and all help would be appreciated. the second saturday in Feb is the one that I have in mind.
February 12th early in the morning please come and help out and eat some BBQ

Emergency Fund

Hi, One and All.
Just wanted to let you know that we have established an emergency fund at the credit union. Currently we are using the funds to help pay for Carlos's care. I appreciate all who have contributed so far. If at anytime you would like to add to the fund, just let me or Lisa know. We will be glad to take your money. Aunt Connie

Super Bowl

Super Bowl Sunday went very well. Big Thanks to Mike for making tons of food, the tri-tip and the ribs were excellent. Grandpa Art made some great salsa, Ron made some chicken wings, and Connie made some Chili beans. There was way too much food, but at least we'll have some leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

The big winner today was Cathi. Thanks to a late Eagles touchdown, she managed to be the closest in her Super Bowl prediction and won the final pool taking in 135 big ones. All in all it was a good game, and a good get together. We missed those who couldn't make it.

Afterwards we had our final Risk game of the weekend which you can read about in the Risk Standings. So once again thanks for all the food Mike and to grandpa for letting us have the everything over at his place. We hope to see you guys on the 12th.

Silencing the Chops

In what had to be the most dominating display of dominance in quite sometime, Gabe wipped out the entire smith clan and finished off nate in one single turn. What started out as a death run turned into what can only be described as, sure madness or pure genius. feeling threatend by mike Gabe elected to attack mike and force him to withdraw his force back into Australia or over extend and attack gabe in europe. mike choosing to withdraw instead of overextending. created a quagmire for mark to either attack mike and overextend himself, leaving himself vulnerable to attack from the nordsmen. Mark choose to attempt to build a barricade of massive armies and isolate the nordsmen from attacking. marks fateful error was that he left the Nords one tribe in the mongols in which lunch an attack from. Redbeard and nate, both powerless to finish off mike, traded armies with eachother in the americas leaving the Nordsmen "LICKING THEIR CHOPS" at the possibilites of extracting a pound of flesh from the Aussies. The Nordsmen began a simple attack in an attempted geniocide of the aussies proved to be highly profitable for them. thuse starting in motion a series of event that allowed for a continued piliging and plundering of the smith clan. The clan of the Moose was the next to be devoured by the black Nordsmen. after conquring the moose clan and their vaunted madagascar defence. the Nordsmen of the black Tribe turned to the Clan of the Redbeard they fell in the Americas of the north. As the pilliging continued the bounty became increasing profitable for the Nordsmen. as the last tribe standing was the small and feable clan of Grimsley of the Americas of the south. there fall was enavitable as their three horsemen were engulfed by what can only be discribed as a tsunami of cannons (6) and four calvary men. leaving only One from the Highlands of the Nords to remain standing alone wielding all the power that bestowed upon him. as the Smith clan returned home they were haunted by the echoing laughter of the Nordsmen

Baby Koontz II

Congratulations!! Caroline and Jim are expecting the arrival of the next little Koontz in October of this year. That will make it baby number 5 of 2005. Our baseball team is nearing completion. Well, it's great news, I'm sure Everett is ready for a little brother or sister. And Grandma Connie should be ready for a new grandkid by then.

Well it's good to hear Caroline, we'll be praying for another healthy little baby.

February Birthdays

Happy Birthday to everyone in February!!!

I'll start with those I know and keep adding as I find more. Darrel Smith is on the first, so happy birthday dad. Then we have Liz, Elvia, Nate, Mark, and I'm already drawing a blank. I'm sure there are more, so once again let me know and post them here because I'm sure there are more.