Any Good Music Lately?

UPDATE: okay so I finally added a workabe playlist (fingers crossed). The cool thing is that with the same log-in as this blog, anybody can go on and add songs to this list. You can log in here on Imeem. For now the playlist is on the sidebar, probably at the bottom of your page. I'm still hoping to work on this so that it doesn't mess the entire layout of the page, but that's just the boring details.

So I decided to update this post, with a new twist. I've decided to post a webpage for every artist/band that's been recommended here. That way it's might be easy to check out a band or listen to something new. So here goes:

Who doesn't like Bob Marley?
Weezer has always been one of my favorite bands
Alot of people here like John Mayer
Greg and Alli both recommended Matisyahu
Juan really likes Fallout Boy - he even has the tatoo to prove it.
Kings of Leon is a cool band with a kind of classic rock feel.
I'm not sure who recommended Perry Como, but hey, he's cool.
Alli and Chris recommended Avenged Sevenfold
A few people recommend the man in black
Nate introduced us to Matt Costa
Another family favorite is Jack Johnson
Jimmie's Chicken Shack had some radio play in the late 90's
The Chili Peppers
Greg recommendsAlexi Murdoch
Placebo is another pick from Greg
Alli is a fan of The Wailin Jennys
The Mars Volta is different, but very cool.
Greg says we should check out the Editors
Ron and Jae like Snow Patrol
Apparently Mr. Craven loves DethKlok
Donovan Frankenreiter was recommended by Nate
Who doesn't like The Boss?
Dire Straits has a new album worth checking out.
A band from Hawaii that I really like is called Pepper
Mike recommends Katy Perry

FREE CAT.... "Operation Free Freeloader"

Introducing FREELOADER the cat! This crazy little cat decided to follow my mom (momma grimsley) home from a field near her home. It is a very loving, always hungry indoor cat who is great with childreen and loves to be around people. However my dad (gun happy grimsley) is ready to see how many little pieces he can blow Freeloader into due to his combination of Love of Guns, and hate for Cats. Sooooo, If anyone is indeed in need of a little kitty steede then this is the one for you! Let us know and hes yours! Or maybe it's She's yours? im not sure i respect its privacy. Freeloader will also promise to capture scraps for you. But freeloader might be a liar. We're not sure.

Newer Dastardlier Ploter

So Scraps wants to post pictures of people he bites, well I'm gonna post pictures of his buddies getting bitten by me.

Super Bowl Sunday (The Record Holder)

I'm trying to figure out where I can go to eat some good food and watch the Packers lose to the Patriots in the big. . . what's that you say Cathi? The Packers didn't win? Wha???? How 'bout the Patriots? OK so there still in it.

Sorry, I was trying to post something and got interrupted. It's hard to type and talk at the same time. So are there any big plans for what should have been one of the best Super Bowls ever?

* Favre has one more record -- The Post with the most comments ever on the Meneses Blog (61)

I have been discoverd. Yes, I was the undercover photo journalist who took the two christmas pictures of John and Nate. Oh and by the way I LOVE SCRAPS! were getting married! And were making scrapy monkey chitlinds! Watch out for more of my pics! They're on the way!

New Dastardly Plot

Operation Meneses Shame is now in play. When you least expect it I plan on biting all you Meneseseses and have one of me minions take a picture of you and posting it. I'm telling you, becuzes I know I cantz be stopped.

Scraps out!!!

Baby Smith Arrives

After 15 long hours of labor, Reese Vivian arrived. Cathi and Mark looked tired but great. Paxton was apprehensive about his little sister, but we know that will change soon. Congratulations Mark and Cathi on your lovely little girl. Approximate information: born at 7:55 pm on Jan 9th, 7 lbs, 9 ozs and 19 inches long. (I may be off on the weight.)

Here are Some Old Photos

Okay so for some reason I was digging through old photos. There were a few that I thought I could post up here and to save space I made another slideshow. I haven't seen any Christmas photos yet so these will have to do for now.
