Happy New Years

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Years! I hope aeveryone has a safe and Happy New Years!


Little Art


I'd like to start by saying thank you to Elvia for hosting all of us on Christmas Eve, it was a fun foggy night. I really enjoyed seeing everyone there. Hopefully we'll have some pictures up here by Wednesday. I'm working on a little video of Christmas Eve, but I'm new to video and it will take me some time. I hope the volleyball game went well today, I'd like to get some pictures of that event to put up here.
Christmas really is a special time of year and we should all feel blessed to be able to spend it with each other. Seeing all the little kids playing and opening presents makes me hope that we can continue our traditions well into the future.
Well, if you've got pictures please email them in or feel free to post them yourself. I'll try to post what I can as soon as possible.

Christmas Plans

First of all, I want to say Hi to Danielle and Arturo. It was great to hear about what is going on in their lives. Merry Christmas to all of our family who can't be here over the holidays. We love you and think about you a lot.
I wanted to post the schedule for the Christmas weekend.
On the 23rd we will be making tamales at Maria's house. If anyone needs the address or directions, please let me know via email.
Plan on arriving at three o'clock in the afternoon. It has already been decided who is bringing what ingredients. If you forgot what you are making or bringing, please call me.
On the 24th, Christmas Eve will be at Elvia's house. It is a potluck. Dinner is at six o'clock. Maria and I will be bringing desserts, Lisa is bringing an appetizer, Veronica is bringing Mexican rice, and of course, there will be tamales. Everyone else can bring whatever they want to fill in the table. Of course, we can always use things like drinks and whatever else you can think of. There is also a gift exchange if you participated.
Have a Merry Christmas day with your families.
On the 26th, the Favereauxs are having a volleyball game at the Lost Hills Gym. If you are into volleyball, this is the place to be. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun, and a good way to burn off all the holiday endulging!
We can't wait to see you, and remember, we are an equal opportunity family, so men are welcome at the tamale making, so are kids. Lisa has volunteered to watch over the little ones.
Merry Christmas!
Allison Craven



The one from Massachusetts

Hey everyone-

Sorry it's taken me so long to post something on here, things have been a little crazy. A lot has been happening since the last time I've talked to most of you. I graduated from college this past May and ever since I've been waitressing, not really what I had planned to do but hey it pays the bills. I'm living in Massachusetts with Kevin and his family, but we are moving back to Maine togeher in the Summer and I'm going to go back to school to get my teaching certification. But I guess the biggest news is that I'm engaged and very excited. Like Alli posted we are getting married May of 2008 and we hope to see you all here for that. We've been discussing a trip out there and we are hoping to go out next winter we have been trying to save, but I know that Kevin would really love to meet all of you before the wedding. I miss everyone very much.

Juan is living out in California, he is stationed in Monterrey or right around there so if anyone gets a chance to go that way I know he would appreciate the company. I sent Alli his email address but currently don't know it right now. He will be coming home this Friday for Christmas and I am very excited.

But that's all I have right now. I miss you all and love you all very much. Take care



An Update from the East Coast

Hey guys! I am so bad at this! BUt this is Little Art. I wanted to give you some updates. Life in Maine is great for right now. After returning from California last time, I did a lot fo thinking. I was gettign pretty tired of ym current position; saw and experianced all i was going to. I finally got spit in the face, punched, and assualted, so I all my goals were reached. I was on the cusp of preparing to transition to teach overseas ( a little impulsive yes, but what the heck, that is me). California was still in the mind set, but my job apparently got wind that I wanted to get out, and offered me a promotion. I am teaching history and science, and may be offeringa free masters in special education. What can I do? I actually love it!

Anyway, I have to run. I love seeing the pictures of the kids! I will be planning some vacation time soon, so let me know if anything big is happening. I love you all, and miss you!

Little Art (Excuse any typos)

Christmas at the Grimsley's

Elvia and Jim have opened up their home for christmas this year.I would like to thank them for doing so. it should be quite fun with all the open space and with all the little ones being their to run around. So that all the responcibility does not fall onto Elvia and Jim for the food, perhaps a potluck could be set to go along with all the tamales. expect a call or call Gabe and lisa to let them know what you would like to bring.
P.S. it has been suggested to me, for some gift ideas for the mississippi girl would be gift cards. from like target or walmart to help replace some things lost during hurracane katrina.

Dave and Paxton

Dave and Pax Chilin'

Be Ready to Make Tamales

December 23rd in Shafter, at Maria's house everyone who can will be making tamales. I'll post the time on the Calendar as soon as I find out. The more people there, the better, so show up, have some fun and make some great tamales.
Also Susan has informed me that they will be getting a volleyball game together in Lost Hills the day following Christmas and would like to invite the family out to join them.

On a personal note ( since this is a family blog I guess everything is personal), it's been over a year since we've had this blog going. During that time we've seen 5 more little additions join the family. I hope that it has been useful or fun for you guys. Hopefully in it's second year we can continue to hear from other voices in the family, and build this site into something everybody can use to stay in touch.

Lastly, and I'll remind you again later, bring your cameras to the upcoming events: The mother/daughter luncheon, tamale day, and Christmas Eve.

-- Mark

Happy Thanksgiving

Well sorry I'm a bit late with this post, but I hope everyone from Maine to down South, back to California had a wonderful holiday. I'll have some pictures from Woodville to post soon, but I would really love to get family pictures from all over the place so we can share some of Thanksgiving here. . .

If you want to send a picture just email them to me and I'll put them up, I've been a little slow lately, but I will get them posted. Also if you want to let us know what your part of the family did please let us know by posting a comment. Thanks again, I'll be waiting for pictures.
Do you think this guy enjoyed Thanksgiving?

Paxton tried out the mashed pototoes, he said they were yummy.
Okay these aren't from thanksgiving, but the kid is dang cute.
Mateo and Cap'n Josh
Hello Andrew!

Mother Daughter

Hey ladies. Save the date. We are planning to have the Mother Daughter luncheon on December 10th! More information will follow.

Abram Jose Grimsley

Posted by Picasa Here's a great picture of the little dude sleeping.

I finally got to meet Abram Jose Grimsley. So here we get the first ever pictures of him on the Meneses Spot Posted by Picasa

Paxton's Baptismal

Paxton was baptized on Saturday in Tulare. A bunch of us got together later to eat a big lunch in Terra Bella. Posted by Picasa

 Posted by Picasa
Here's a picture of Jim and Sawyer from a few weeks ago that I thought I could put up here.

Happy Halloween!!

I'm going to bombard you with pictures again, so here goes. If you have any others send them to me so I can put them up here. Thanks, we hope you all had a safe and fun weekend. . .

Drew was going for the candy even if he didn't know what it was.

Here's a not so scary Jack O' Lantern.

Josh and Connor had a great time driving around trick or treating.

Paxton the Lion got to go trick or treating, but his mom will probably eat the candy.

So we all had a good time trick or treating and watching football afterwards. Thanks to Gabe and Lisa for inviting us over for a fun halloween.


Liz, Megan and Rachel will be here for Christmas.
With Liz and the girls coming home, lets make it a special Christmas for them.
If you would like to get something for the girls I'll post a wish list with sizes.

Abram Jose Grimsley

Congratulations to Scott and Veronica on the new baby boy!!! He was born last Sunday? Sorry it's taken so long to get a new post on here. I was hoping we'd have a picture to share up here, but I haven't been able to get one yet. If anyone has one I hope they'd send it to me. Good luck Mateo with the new brother.

Sawyer Duncan Koontz!!

Sawyer Duncan Koontz is here!! He arrived today sometime after 6:00 pm. Here's the first of many pictures that will find there way up onto the blog. He's a very cute guy, and the family is all doing well.

More Good News

First of all, a big Happy Birthday to Lisa, her special day is Friday October 7th. Give her a call and wish her a Happy Birthday!

I have some really great news to share. Danielle is engaged! She and her fiance Kevin have taken the plunge and set a date. May 17th, 2008, so we have lots of time to save to make the trip. Let's pray that they can come out soon so we can meet this guy.
Congratulations Danielle and Kevin. We are all really happy for you.

October News

Well, we're still waiting for the new babies to arrive. Caroline is scheduled to deliver on Thursday, and I haven't heard news on Veronica. But soon we should have two more little boys in the family. If you have any news post it here so we can pass it along.
We should have some new pictures to put up by the weekend. . .

. . . Any news on Liz and the girls??? If someone is organizing a care package will they let us know how to help?

Okay, well everyone take care.


Connor the Good little Ring Bearer

Here's Grandma Connie and Jack

Here's Grandma Lily and Pax

Nate giving the Look

This wasn't at the Wedding, but it's a great picture of Josh and Drew

Thank You

Cathi and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came to the wedding, and for all the help everyone gave. We hope you all had a good time, we'll remember the day forever.

If you have any pictures of the wedding please do email them to me so I can put them up here. I don't want to look conceited by only putting up pictures of us. Thanks again, I promise not to get emotional this time


Something for Aunt Liz

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to bring a card to the wedding for Aunt Liz. I'll do the rounds with it and everyone can sign it and give her a message. If you also want to put some cash in it, we will get an address and send it to her and the girls right away. Even if you can't give any cash, please sign it, I'm sure knowing everyone is thinking of them will give them comfort. They were only able to take one suticase each so they are probably in need of a lot of things.
See you all at the wedding.

Happy Birthday John

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to John Meneses today. We all hope you had a great day and have many more to come.

We also want Aunt Liz and the girls to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Liz and the girls are safe and staying in Tennesee. The next few months are going to undoubtedly be very difficult for them and they are going to need continued support from us. If anyone would like to arrange to do something for them, we think that would be a good idea. Put it up on the blog or send out an email.


Baby Shower

Veronica and Caroline shared a baby shower at the Favereaux's house this past Saturday. Everyone had fun scrapbooking.

I just want to personally say to both Caroline and Vero, hurry up and have those babies already!

Everett's Two

Everett turned 2 on the 26th of August. Here's a picture of the little man with his cousins and his Aunties.

Bree Haven Grimsley

Congratulations David and Maria! I've finally had a picture sent so this is my first look at the newest little Grimsley. She's a cute little one and at least to me, she does look more like David. I can't wait to get to meet her in person. I still don't know if I'm spelling her name right, so if anyone knows please feel free to correct me. If anyone else has pictures please send them to me so I can get them posted. We hope Dave and Maria are having fun (and getting sleep) with their new child.

Baby Showers

Meneses women are getting to do a whole lot of bonding this year. They'll have another opportunity August 27 at Maria Favereaux's house in Shafter. Caroline Koontz and Veronica Grimsley are both having little boys, what a surprise! The theme for this shower will be scrap booking. Fun starts at 4 o'clock and you can call Maria or Elvia to RSVP.

The dress looks great on you Susan! It looks like everyone had a good time at Cathi's shower in Terra Bella.

I had to post this one of Lisa and Andrew, we haven't seen a new picture of his in a while.

I think this is the picture that was being requested.


I hear that Nate's in the lead in the fishing derby this year. Doug's probably right behind him. And now we have a new name to add to the board. Connor caught his first two fish up in Dunsmuir, California. He might not be beating Nate any time soon, but he could pass me pretty soon. If you have any other fishing pictures be sure to send them to me so I can post them.


More Congrats!!!

Rudy and Raquel just had their brand new baby boy!! The new baby's name is Marco Guerrero and he weighed in at over 8 pounds and was 19 inches at birth. Of course, I think the name was a good choice. Another boy, who would have guessed it? Well congratulations to the Guerrero family, we can't see to see the new little dude. We'll have more details and hopefully pictures later.

According to my mom the baby was born on the 18th.


As we can see from the message Gabe left, Maria and David have a new arrival. Bree Haven Grimsley (I hope I'm spelling that right), what are we going to do with a girl running around now? I haven't heard exactly when the baby was born, and how Maria's doing so we hope all is well. Someone needs to send me pictures so we can share them here. Well, congratulations to you guys, take care of that baby. We can't wait to see her, the sooner the better.
If any of you people around Porterville get a chance I'd love to have pictures up, thanks.

From what I'm hearing it sounds like the baby was born on the 27th, and she looks more like Dave.

Cathi's Bridal Shower

Cathi is having her bridal shower on Saturday, August 6th in Terra Bella. All the women in the family should have already received invitations. The theme of the shower will be bed and bath. You can view her Target registry here. If you need directions let me know, or call the Smith house and someone there can let you know.

Kaycee's Kids

Susan sent me great picture of Quartnie, Codey, and Cage. We hope the kids are all doing well.

Connor's Birthday

Saturday Night Connor had a little birthday party. He just turned three and had lots of fun swimming and running bases. I didn't get too many pictures, but this was a good one of him wearing his new Dodger hat. Happy Birthday little dude!

Can you guess what Caroline is having?

Okay the betting is over, and the news is that Caroline and Jim are having a . . . BOY!!!!

That makes the ninth boy great-grandchild. We should start getting the batting order ready now. Well congrats Caroline and Jim!