Merry Christmas

A message from Maine

Here's a Christmas photo that Uncle Art sent me. If anyone else has pictures of Christmas Eve or Christmas day I'd really like to post them up here.

Merry Christmas Eve

I wanted to wish the entire family all over the country merry Christmas! Of course I wish you could all make it out to Woodville tonight, but everyone not there will be in our thoughts as I'm sure we'll be in yours. May everyone have safe travels and please take some pictures. I'd like to put some up here in the next couple of days.



Hi Guys!

It is good to see pictures of the little cousins! They grow so fast. I wanted to let everyone know that life here in Massachusetts is going very well. I was just accepted into my number one choice for graduate school! I will be going to Lesley University to pursue a Masters in Special Education. I will begin in the spring and am very excited.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas time!

Take care,


Happy Birthday

Today is little Dave's 5th birthday. We hope you have a great day and get lots of presents.
Are there any other December birthdays that we are missing here. If so please leave a comment. Any other news out there, pass it along.

A reindeer day

Today some of the kids got together to get in the Christmas Spirit. Mateo, Abram, Everett, Sawyer, Connor, Jack, and Paxton made Red Nosed Reindeer cookies at Caroline's house. Even though the boy got a little crazy at times it was a fun day and maybe a bit of a preview of Christmas Eve.

A reindeer cookie

Feel free to add your own caption:

Christmas Eve

Okay. Here are plans for Christmas Eve. Maria will be hosting a tamale making party (come on it is a party to make tamales!) at her house on Friday, December 22nd. More details to come.

Hot chocolate and cookies will be served at Grandpa Art's and Carlos' house between 4 to 6 on Christmas Eve so stop by to wish them a Merry Christmas. From 5 to 9, a buffet and games will be offered at the Smith residence. Please call me or Susan with any questions.

black friday

did anyone brave the crowds of black friday??? I was going to stay up all night and go, but I fell asleep at 4 am - so I went at 10 when the crowds were a little calmer (only a little) sadly all of the good deals I found were for myself -

Women's Luncheon

For all the ladies, here is a quick update. Our Luncheon is going to be on December 2nd this year, a little earlier than usual. We will be having it at Connie's house like always, and I believe it will begin at 2:00 in the afternoon. Invitations will be going out shortly. Also, if anyone is interested, my church is hosting a "Silent Night" that evening. This is an event for women, some Christmas Carols, a short message and desert. It begins at 6 pm, if anyone would be interested in going after the luncheon, please just let me know. It's a nice quiet evening. Looking forward to seeing you all on the 2nd. Until then, take care.


Jack o' Lanterns

Here are some more of the Jack o' Lanterns, again sorry for the fuzzy pictures.
Good luck trick or treating.

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I'll have a few more pictures to follow,
sorry some of them came out blurry.

Sunday at the Park

Yesterday we had a get together at Murray Park in Porterville to celebrate Sawyer Koontz' first birthday. I was able to get a bunch of pictures. Here's Sawyer after finishing a birthday cupcake, and above is Abram playing with one of his new birthday presents, he turns 1 in a couple days. . . More pictures really soon.

More Photos from Sunday

There's not really much need for explanation on these pictures. You can click on them to enlarge. I think all these boys had a good time playing and getting dirty out there.

maybe a few more pictures in a while . . .

Christmas Cards

Hey everyone it's almost that time of year again and I need your help. If you have changed your address, phone number, email, ect... or know of anyone how has, let me know. my goal is to have the updated information emailed/mailed the first week in November.

I'm excited about the holiday season beginning!!!

Outdoor Photos

Although it was a busy summer for most, it looks like these kids found some time to spend outdoors. And Mateo has me beat in fishing this year, lucky guy.

Post Withdrawals

I once agian will need to write a new post.....I am having post withdrawls - I apologize there is no picture of any kind but I sent all of mine to congressmen Foley, He hasn't written back maybe I am getting to old .... oh well - (I shot JR)



Alli Sent This To Me

I Have Moved

Hello Everyone!

This is Little Art. I have finally made my move back to the Boston area. I work for the Cambridge Public Schools in Special Education. I love it! I finally had to do this, or else I think i might have felt very stuck in Maine. I needed some more things to do like the arts, theater and a wider variety of people! So, if anybody is heading out East, let me know, and I can help you out. My tentative plan is to visit you guys this Christmas, since I haven;t been able to make it out there this past year. I want to make it a yearly thing.

Ok, I look foreword to hearing from you all!


Little Art

It's a..... Wait, we don't know yet.

Hi everyone! The Craven family wants to let you know, in case you haven't already heard.... We are expecting our third child! We are really excited about it, especially Connor. Jack went into a deep depression and a rebellious stage when he heard he is now a middle child, but he's getting past it. My due date is March 8th, and we can hardly wait.

new posts

I live for new posts

so here it is. This month has been especially fun I have cuaght a lot of fish and shot a lot of birds. and I went to a fun footbal game (even though the dogs lost)

Fun at the BallGame

Friday night a bunch of us went down to watch the Dodgers-Giants game. It's not important who won but that it was a fun time, we need to do it again and hopefully get even more of the family to go next time.

For Jack and Paxton it was their first time at a Dodger Game. I think Jack at a whole Cotton Candy, and Paxton tried his first Dodger Dog.

3/4 of the Grimsley Clan made it down, further down you see Alli not watching the game.
We had a fun time even though Paxton didn't really care what was going on with the game.
Connor and Chris got to go down to the field before the game. I heard they were on the Diamond Vision, traffic was bad so some of missed that part. All in all, it was a fun night. There was a lot of our family there and more friends too. Barry Bonds played, but didn't homer. I'll let you commenters talk about who won and who lost. If anyone else wants to send a picture, you can always email them to me, or post directly from your cell phone.

I'm looking forward to the Fresno State - Oregon football game where at least then we'll all be rooting for the same team.

new post

I am writing this post becuase I think we should have a new post
I check this post looking for new ones...... but have not seen one in a while
so here it is - a new post -

GO GIANTS!!!!!!! August 11th its on.

A Picture Share!

Birthday party

Happy Birthdays

Today we had a birthday party for Conner, Jack, and Brea. Although it was very very hot, we had alot of fun and celebrated three birthdays. Brea and Jack turned 1 year old and both got to eat their first birthday cake. Brea was polite and ate with one finger, while Jack was elbow deep into his cake. We'll have a few pictures to post here very soon. So check back later for updates.

Summer Entertainment

Put your movie and book reviews for the summer season here! Sad to say I've only seen one movie this year -- Pirates 2. It was alright, not as good as the first one, and a lot more disgusting.

On books - a very good read was "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. So-so's have been "Any Place I Hang my Hat" and "A Virtuous Woman".

Comment here or email me and I will publish.


Fall Plans

Hello to everyone!

I am writing to let you know I have accepted a position in Seoul, Korea to teach English at the Dongsung ESL School, a private language institution. The offer was too good to pass up. They are offering a one-room apt., a round-trip plane ticket, health insurance, as well as a similiar pension plan here in the states, although taxes including health care will be 11% of my monthly salary. The contract will be for one-year, and we will play it by ear.

Hope all is well.

Little Art

Just a few pictures

Here's Paxton on his first Memorial Day

Here's Connor O'Craven being Irish.

Calendar Update

I'm trying to update the calendar, and it appears I'm missing alot of dates including birthdays. If anyone can help out with giving me missing info, or adding in in themselves I'd really appreciate it.

Bulldog Football

The Bulldogs are playing against Oregon on Saturday September 9th in Fresno. I know the Grimsley Boys are wanting to go. Good tickets won't be available for too long, I already got my tickets. I am going to have a Barbeque prior to the game in Selma. Figuring if a bunch of people go and maybe won't all be able to sit together at least we can have a get together with good food first.

For ticket information click here


Hey everyone, i have been asked what part of Texas grandpa is from. if anyone could answer this for me i would really appreciate it, it's one of those things that i keep forgettting to ask. thanks in advance, Susan


I won't be able to make it to the party tomorrow, so I'm hoping that everyone can take lots of pictures and post them here. Use your digital cameras or phones and if you need help posting them let me know. I hope everyone has a great time and eats lots of good food. Happy Birthday Grandpa Art!


I just think this mobile blogging idea is such a cool thing, with as many people in our family with camera phones we should be able to get new stuff up here all the time. Well This was Paxton this morning, the pictures a little blurry because he won't stay still.

Mobile Blogging

Here is a pic of doug i snapped on my phone. There is a new way to share on the blog. You can send pictures or text messages from your cell phone right onto the blog. You simply take a picture, send it to and then you'll get a message back on your phone. They send you a website with your picture, after that you can log in and redirect those posts to this blog. You only have to do it once, the trick is you will want to log in to blogger using our log in name so that when you visit your picture page you can redirect it here. If you have any questions about this just let me know. I learned about it 5 minutes ago and just sent my first pic.

Grandpa's Party

Just wanted to let everyone know that Grandpa's party is going to be Saturday May 13th. I can't remember the exact time, but I know it's in the afternoon at Aunt Elvia's house. The invitations should be out soon, in fact some of you may have gotten one already. See you there.

Quick Update

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you guys know things are going well. I just resigned my position at the place I have been working. I have put in my year service, and in that time many things have changed for the worse. Although I am a left-winger, when it comes to kids I am pretty right wing. In their attempt to be more "kid-friendly" they seemed to have lost their objectivity and their sense of consistency.

Anyway, I look foreword to working here and there at a public school doing after school theater, and to the things I have put off. I hope to visit CA in Christmas time. I will let everyone know when the time approaches. Take care!


Another one bites the dust

Hey got some good news over the weekend. Brian is getting married July 22nd. Me and the kids will be going and looking forward to the trip. This is an open invitation to to attend, I'll be getting more information. I'll see if he will send a picture so we can post here. keep him in your prayers.

good news from boston

Hey everyone on the west coast-

Kevin and I have made a very important decision we are coming out to california in a little over a year we are planning on a trip may 21-may 31!!! it will be right after kevin's graduation and we are both really excited, but he is nervous to meet you you better be nice:-p we are planning on buying our tickets in april so please let us know if this is not a good time...i can't wait to see everyone and it will be a nice to finally introduce kevin to all of you. I can't wait, i wish we were coming out this may

love you all-
danielle and kevin


Josue's and Andrews birthdays are on april 2 and 13. there party is planned for the 8th.. there will be bounce house, Bbq, Music, fishing derby for the little one and Piniata. we look foward to seeing you.. INVATIONS WILL BE IN THE MAIL. .. CALL or RSVP IF YOUR COMING..
we hope to see Codey, Cage and Quartnee there.
The theme will be firetrucks

Meneses Boys

Happy birthday Gabe, your the tallest freakin McLeprechaun I've ever seen.


Grandpa's Birthday Party

Big News!!! Grandpa Art is turning 80!! There's going to be a party in Woodville at Jim and Elvia's house, and of course everyone is invited. I don't have the exact date and time right now, but I will shortly. So be thinking about it. You can call Elvia or Connie for more details or look here for them.

Last Weekend

Here's a few pictures from last weekend. I should have a few more to post later. We all we glad to meet our cousin Juan. Hopefully he can make it out for another visit, and keep us posted on how things are going in Monterey.
Doug, Nate, and "J.P." were posing for pictures

I'm not quite sure what Mateo was doing here.

It's a bird! It's a plane! Actually that's close, it was two helicopters.